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Renata Marques renatamarques97

  • Teresina, PI
View GitHub Profile

asdf update or brew upgrade asdf

asdf plugin update --all

asdf install

Company Culture and Values:

What is the company culture like? How does the company prioritize diversity and inclusion? What are the company's core values and how are they demonstrated in day-to-day operations?

Team Dynamics:

Can you tell me about the team structure and size? How does the team collaborate and communicate on projects?

pg_restore -U renatamarques -d qulture_development < ../Downloads/dump


psql -U renatamarques -d qulture_development < ../Downloads/dump.sql


./config/scripts/restore-db.bash ../Downloads/dump

git stash list
git stash apply stash@{1}
file ="")
puts file.split(" ").count
✗ psql -U postgres
role "postgres" does not exist
✗ psql
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:  database "renatamarques" does not exist
✗ createdb
✗ psql

psql (12.4)
Type "help" for help.
# Chapter 1 - Object-Oriented Design
1. The Problem Design Solves
> It is the need for change that makes design matter.
2. Why Change is Hard
> Parts interact to product behavior (objects), the interaction is made through messages passed between them.
> Object-Oriented Design is about managing dependencies.
> OOD - Set of coding techniques to arrange dependencies so objects can tolerate change.
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
set autoread
syntax on
set number
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set showcmd
set showmode

Oh-My-Zsh is a framework for Zsh, the Z shell.

oh my zsh

vim ~/.zshrc

oh my zsh

Vim is a terminal text editor.

# samples
path = "UDDDUDUU"
path = "UUUUUUUU"
path = "DDDDDDDD"
path = "UUUDDD"
path = "UUUUDD"
# ruby 2.7+