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replete / _easing.scss
Last active December 21, 2015 16:28
CSS3 Cubic-bezier translations of typical easing classes, in SASS variable syntax.
CSS Easing
Vanilla: #id { transition: 350ms all $ease }
Compass: #id { @include transition(350ms all $ease) }
replete / syncHeightWrapper.js
Last active December 18, 2015 04:49
Wrapper for jQuery.syncHeight(). Allows you to have multiple instances on a page with specifically instantiating them.
// Hastily plonked together by @replete,
/* Use like this:
<div class="some-html-chunk" data-sync-height="a-unique-name">Foo</div>
<div class="some-other-html-chunk" data-sync-height="a-unique-name">Bar</div>
replete /
Created March 15, 2013 15:55
script to update vagrant VM virtualbox additions to specified version.
#Update script for VBoxGuestAdditions
wget -c${VBA_VERSION}/VBoxGuestAdditions_${VBA_VERSION}.iso
sudo mount VBoxGuestAdditions_${VBA_VERSION}.iso -o loop /mnt
sudo sh /mnt/ --nox11
rm -f VBoxGuestAdditions_${VBA_VERSION}.iso
replete / gist:4158314
Created November 28, 2012 01:02
$.fn.autoGrowInput = function(o) {
o = $.extend({
maxWidth: 1000,
minWidth: 0,
comfortZone: 70
}, o);
replete / YuiCompressor.ashx
Created November 13, 2012 10:21
YUI Compressor for .net Handler
<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="YuiCompressor" %>
// Requirements:
// bin/Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.dll (See the project on codeplex)
// bin/EcmaScript.NET.dll
// bin/EcmaScript.NET.dll
// bin/Iesi.Collections.dll
// How to use this, in your templates or HTML:
replete / _mixin_2ximages.scss
Created October 11, 2012 19:19
Images 2x - retina images mixin
@mixin image-2x($image1, $image2) {
background-image: url($image);
@media (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3),
(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.6/2),
(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3),
(min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3),
(min-resolution: 1.3dppx) {
background-image: url($image2);
background-size: image-width($image1) image-height($image1);
replete / gist:3048826
Created July 4, 2012 18:37
Add class to <body> based on viewport width (IE7+, possibly IE6+)
var d = document,
b = d.getElementsByTagName("body"),
w = window,
c = "className",
v = (function() { return w.innerWidth || d.documentElement.clientWidth }),
r = function () {
i = v();
if (i < 181) { b[0][c] = "max-180"; return }
if (i < 246) { b[0][c] = "max-245"; return }
else { b[0][c] = "" }
replete / gist:2436076
Created April 21, 2012 09:18
load CSS
$.loadCss=function(css){$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+css+'">')};
replete / gist:2385061
Created April 14, 2012 15:04
Text entry character count and truncate contenteditable
/* -------------------------------------- */
//Char count & truncate
var $charCount = $("[data-char-count]");
$charCount.each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
$charSelector = $($this.attr("data-char-count")),
charMax = $this.attr("data-char-count-max") || false;
replete / gist:2385046
Created April 14, 2012 15:02
iOS like scrollbars (requires nicescroll)
/* -------------------------------------- */
//iOS-like scrollbar
var $niceScrollContainers = $("[data-ios-scroll]");
$niceScrollContainers.each(function () {
var $container = $(this),
scrollClass = $container.attr("data-ios-scroll"),
cursorWidth = "6px",
$contentsLastChild = $container.children("*:last-child");