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API Management Service Contributor,312a565d-c81f-4fd8-895a-4e21e48d571c
API Management Service Operator Role,e022efe7-f5ba-4159-bbe4-b44f577e9b61
API Management Service Reader Role,71522526-b88f-4d52-b57f-d31fc3546d0d
CVE-2021-27104​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA OS Command Injection Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27102​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA OS Command Injection Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27101​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA SQL Injection Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27103​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA SSRF Vulnerability
CVE-2021-21017​,Adobe,Acrobat and Reader,Adobe Acrobat and Reader Heap-based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
CVE-2021-28550​,Adobe,Acrobat and Reader,Adobe Acrobat and Reader Use-After-Free Vulnerability
CVE-2018-4939​,Adobe,ColdFusion,Adobe ColdFusion Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability
CVE-2018-15961​,Adobe,ColdFusion,Adobe ColdFusion RCE
CVE-2018-4878​,Adobe,Flash Player,Adobe Flash Player Use after Free vulnerability
Azure AD Audit 31
Azure AD Signins 24
Office 365 Activity 14
Active Directory 12
Defender for Endpoint 26
Azure Activity 6
Microsoft Sentinel Incidents 2
Azure AD Risk Events 1
Heartbeat 2
Functions 3
1. How many distinct users signed into the tenant in February?
| distinct UserPrincipalName
| count
2. Which application had the most signins? List the application name.
//Look for low prevalance SHA256's associated with service creation that are new to your environment in the last day
//credit to mRr3b00t @UK_Daniel_Card for the idea and starting point and @lawndoc for the updates
let PrevalenceThreshold = 1000;
let knownSHA=
//Find all the existing SHA256s associated with service creation events in the last 30 days (excluding the last day)
| where Timestamp > ago(30d) and Timestamp < ago(1d)
| where ActionType == "ServiceInstalled"
| join (DeviceFileEvents) on FileName
| project-away SHA256
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 10 should actually have 3 columns, instead of 2. in line 9.
AcrDelete,"Delete repositories, tags, or manifests from a container registry.",c2f4ef07-c644-48eb-af81-4b1b4947fb11
AcrImageSigner,Push trusted images to or pull trusted images from a container registry enabled for content trust.,6cef56e8-d556-48e5-a04f-b8e64114680f
AcrPull,Pull artifacts from a container registry.,7f951dda-4ed3-4680-a7ca-43fe172d538d
AcrPush,Push artifacts to or pull artifacts from a container registry.,8311e382-0749-4cb8-b61a-304f252e45ec
AcrQuarantineReader,Pull quarantined images from a container registry.,cdda3590-29a3-44f6-95f2-9f980659eb04
AcrQuarantineWriter,Push quarantined images to or pull quarantined images from a container registry.,c8d4ff99-41c3-41a8-9f60-21dfdad59608
API Management Service Contributor,Can manage service and the APIs,312a565d-c81f-4fd8-895a-4e21e48d571c
API Management Service Operator Role,Can manage service but not the APIs,e022efe7-f5ba-4159-bbe4-b44f577e9b61
API Management Service Reader Role,Read-only access to service and API
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 6.
"srcdev=,date=Mar 13th 2023,time=08.00.00(+5 GMT),action=accept,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=443,dstprt=443,xproto=tcp,bytesin=39230,bytesout=392378"
"srcdev=,date=Mar 13th 2023,time=07.44.33(+5 GMT),action=accept,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=2343,dstprt=22,xproto=tcp,bytesin=65122,bytesout=238944"
"srcdev=,date=Mar 16th 2023,time=17.34.11(+5 GMT),action=accept,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=34234,dstprt=21,xproto=tcp,bytesin=94382300,bytesout=23409239239"
"srcdev=,date=Mar 13th 2023,time=11.44.04(+5 GMT),action=drop,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=8500,dstprt=8500,xproto=tcp,bytesin=39230,bytesout=392378"
"device:,timestamp:4/25/2023 07:44:44z,policy:default-corp-in,outcome:allow,src=,dst=,datain=390389bytes,dataout=402394bytes,tz=-4"
"device:,timestamp:4/26/2023 14:22:55z,policy:default-dmz,outcome:deny,src=
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 6 should actually have 4 columns, instead of 3. in line 5.
APIConnectors.Read.All,b86848a7-d5b1-41eb-a9b4-54a4e6306e97,Read API connectors for authentication flows,"Allows the app to read the API connectors used in user authentication flows, without a signed-in user."
APIConnectors.ReadWrite.All,1dfe531a-24a6-4f1b-80f4-7a0dc5a0a171,Read and write API connectors for authentication flows,"Allows the app to read, create and manage the API connectors used in user authentication flows, without a signed-in user."
AccessReview.Read.All,d07a8cc0-3d51-4b77-b3b0-32704d1f69fa,Read all access reviews,"Allows the app to read access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization, without a signed-in user."
AccessReview.ReadWrite.All,ef5f7d5c-338f-44b0-86c3-351f46c8bb5f,Manage all access reviews,"Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization, without a signed-in user."