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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 6 should actually have 4 columns, instead of 3. in line 5.
APIConnectors.Read.All,b86848a7-d5b1-41eb-a9b4-54a4e6306e97,Read API connectors for authentication flows,"Allows the app to read the API connectors used in user authentication flows, without a signed-in user."
APIConnectors.ReadWrite.All,1dfe531a-24a6-4f1b-80f4-7a0dc5a0a171,Read and write API connectors for authentication flows,"Allows the app to read, create and manage the API connectors used in user authentication flows, without a signed-in user."
AccessReview.Read.All,d07a8cc0-3d51-4b77-b3b0-32704d1f69fa,Read all access reviews,"Allows the app to read access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization, without a signed-in user."
AccessReview.ReadWrite.All,ef5f7d5c-338f-44b0-86c3-351f46c8bb5f,Manage all access reviews,"Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization, without a signed-in user."
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 6.
"srcdev=,date=Mar 13th 2023,time=08.00.00(+5 GMT),action=accept,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=443,dstprt=443,xproto=tcp,bytesin=39230,bytesout=392378"
"srcdev=,date=Mar 13th 2023,time=07.44.33(+5 GMT),action=accept,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=2343,dstprt=22,xproto=tcp,bytesin=65122,bytesout=238944"
"srcdev=,date=Mar 16th 2023,time=17.34.11(+5 GMT),action=accept,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=34234,dstprt=21,xproto=tcp,bytesin=94382300,bytesout=23409239239"
"srcdev=,date=Mar 13th 2023,time=11.44.04(+5 GMT),action=drop,sourceip=,dstip=,srcprt=8500,dstprt=8500,xproto=tcp,bytesin=39230,bytesout=392378"
"device:,timestamp:4/25/2023 07:44:44z,policy:default-corp-in,outcome:allow,src=,dst=,datain=390389bytes,dataout=402394bytes,tz=-4"
"device:,timestamp:4/26/2023 14:22:55z,policy:default-dmz,outcome:deny,src=
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 10 should actually have 3 columns, instead of 2. in line 9.
AcrDelete,"Delete repositories, tags, or manifests from a container registry.",c2f4ef07-c644-48eb-af81-4b1b4947fb11
AcrImageSigner,Push trusted images to or pull trusted images from a container registry enabled for content trust.,6cef56e8-d556-48e5-a04f-b8e64114680f
AcrPull,Pull artifacts from a container registry.,7f951dda-4ed3-4680-a7ca-43fe172d538d
AcrPush,Push artifacts to or pull artifacts from a container registry.,8311e382-0749-4cb8-b61a-304f252e45ec
AcrQuarantineReader,Pull quarantined images from a container registry.,cdda3590-29a3-44f6-95f2-9f980659eb04
AcrQuarantineWriter,Push quarantined images to or pull quarantined images from a container registry.,c8d4ff99-41c3-41a8-9f60-21dfdad59608
API Management Service Contributor,Can manage service and the APIs,312a565d-c81f-4fd8-895a-4e21e48d571c
API Management Service Operator Role,Can manage service but not the APIs,e022efe7-f5ba-4159-bbe4-b44f577e9b61
API Management Service Reader Role,Read-only access to service and API
//Look for low prevalance SHA256's associated with service creation that are new to your environment in the last day
//credit to mRr3b00t @UK_Daniel_Card for the idea and starting point and @lawndoc for the updates
let PrevalenceThreshold = 1000;
let knownSHA=
//Find all the existing SHA256s associated with service creation events in the last 30 days (excluding the last day)
| where Timestamp > ago(30d) and Timestamp < ago(1d)
| where ActionType == "ServiceInstalled"
| join (DeviceFileEvents) on FileName
| project-away SHA256
1. How many distinct users signed into the tenant in February?
| distinct UserPrincipalName
| count
2. Which application had the most signins? List the application name.
Azure AD Audit 31
Azure AD Signins 24
Office 365 Activity 14
Active Directory 12
Defender for Endpoint 26
Azure Activity 6
Microsoft Sentinel Incidents 2
Azure AD Risk Events 1
Heartbeat 2
Functions 3
CVE-2021-27104​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA OS Command Injection Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27102​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA OS Command Injection Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27101​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA SQL Injection Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27103​,Accellion,FTA,Accellion FTA SSRF Vulnerability
CVE-2021-21017​,Adobe,Acrobat and Reader,Adobe Acrobat and Reader Heap-based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
CVE-2021-28550​,Adobe,Acrobat and Reader,Adobe Acrobat and Reader Use-After-Free Vulnerability
CVE-2018-4939​,Adobe,ColdFusion,Adobe ColdFusion Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability
CVE-2018-15961​,Adobe,ColdFusion,Adobe ColdFusion RCE
CVE-2018-4878​,Adobe,Flash Player,Adobe Flash Player Use after Free vulnerability
API Management Service Contributor,312a565d-c81f-4fd8-895a-4e21e48d571c
API Management Service Operator Role,e022efe7-f5ba-4159-bbe4-b44f577e9b61
API Management Service Reader Role,71522526-b88f-4d52-b57f-d31fc3546d0d