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נυαη נυαηѕση retr0h

  • Los Angeles, CA
  • 17:23 (UTC -12:00)
View GitHub Profile
Last login: Sat Dec 17 17:25:01 on ttys001
cd % [jodewey:~] % cd /Users/jodewey/git/molecule_2/test/scenarios/docker
[jodewey:~/git/molecule_2/test/scenarios/docker] [molecule2-env-2.7.12] v2+ ± molecule create; molecule converge; molecule verify; molecule lint; molecule destroy
--> Scenario: [default]
--> Provisioner: [ansible]
--> Playbook: [create.yml]
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
[jodewey:~/git/molecule_2/test/scenarios/docker] [molecule2-env-2.7.12] v2(+95/-177)+ 1 ± molecule create
--> Scenario: [default]
--> Executing playbook '/Users/jodewey/git/molecule_2/test/scenarios/docker/molecule/default/create.yml'...
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Boostrap molecule container(s)] ******************************************
- name: Create database users
mysql_user: append_privs={{ item.append_privs|default(omit) }}
check_implicit_admin={{ item.check_implicit|default(omit) }}
config_file={{ item.config_file|default(omit) }}
encrypted={{ item.encrypted|default(omit) }}
host={{|default(omit) }}
host_all={{ item.host_all|default(omit) }}
login_host={{ item.login_host|default(omit) }}
login_password={{ item.login_password|default(omit) }}
login_port={{ item.login_port|default(omit) }}
shit-01: SSH address:
shit-01: SSH username: vagrant
shit-01: SSH auth method: private key
"{{ hostvars|haproxy_backend(haproxy_number_of_backends, groups[mongo_group], internal_primary_interface, mongo.backend_port, 'check') }}"
rabbit_hosts: "{{ hostvars|fetch_list_from_dict(groups.aio)|map(attribute='ansible_internal_primary_interface.ipv4.address')|map('add_port', rabbitmq.port)|join(',') }}"
[jodewey:~/git/ansible-systems/roles/xxx.bind] retr0h/bind-cleanup(+21/-5)+ 1 ± molecule test
Bringing machine 'aio-01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'aio-02' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'aio-03' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> aio-01: Importing base box 'rhel-7'...
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
aio-01 : ok=20 changed=15 unreachable=0 failed=0
aio-02 : ok=11 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0
aio-03 : ok=11 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0
- name: Install packages
package: name={{ item }}
- "common_{{ ansible_os_family }}_base_packages"
m = mock.Mock(name='name',
g = { {'description': m.description,
print g
print yaml.safe_dump(g, default_flow_style=False)
The 2014 g2k14 general Hackathon was taking place July in Ljubljana,
Slovenia, and attended by 49 developers. These developer gatherings
are used for very active work on OpenBSD’s source tree: to start new
patches and projects, to finish older ones, and for careful optimizations.
The security and code quality of OpenBSD is constantly being improved,
a continuous effort to gain perfection that reminds a lot of the Japanese