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Created September 4, 2019 15:00
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"source": "# Reference to Flowcharts:\n#\n\n# Perform logical bitwise operations \"AND\", \"OR\", etc. on the numbers 5 and 6.\n# Perform a bitwise shift over the number 5 to the right and left by two characters.\n# Explain the result.\n\na = 5\nb = 6\n\nprint(\"{} & {} = {} ({})\".format(a, b, a & b, bin(a & b)))\n\nprint(\"{} | {} = {} ({})\".format(a, b, a | b, bin(a | b)))\n\nprint ( \"The bitwise shift of the number {} to the right by two digits: {} ( {} ) \" .format (a, a >> 2 , bin (a >> 2 )))\n\nprint ( \" Bitwise shift of the number {} to the left by two characters: {} ( {} ) \" .format (a, a << 2 , bin (a << 2 )))",
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"text": "5 & 6 = 4 (0b100)\n5 | 6 = 7 (0b111)\nThe bitwise shift of the number 5 to the right by two digits: 1 ( 0b1 ) \n Bitwise shift of the number 5 to the left by two characters: 20 ( 0b10100 ) \n"
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