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// Rudolf trial and error
index = BNCE_XBTUSD;
magnTresh = index[0]/500 // start trading from this drop magnitude
magnSpeed = magnTresh/100 // minimal consistent change per second
function rc(t, x){
x = x.slice(0,t+1); s = 0;
s += x[j]-x[j+1];
function dividedByTwo(){
return BNCE_XBTUSD[0]
FIRSTFUNCTION[0] = dividedByTwo()
function buyOrSell() {
return % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1
rgjurgens / rudolf eerste algo
Last active January 18, 2019 21:16
Jared algos
// rudolf eerste algo
function dividedByTwo(){
return BNCE_XBTUSD[0]
FIRSTFUNCTION[0] = dividedByTwo()
function buyOrSell() {
return % 2 === 0 ? 1 : -1
rgjurgens / Rudolf algo Tom
Created January 18, 2019 21:27
Jared algos
// Rudolf algo Tom
index = BNCE_XBTUSD;
magnTresh = index[0]/500 // start trading from this drop magnitude
magnSpeed = magnTresh/100 // minimal consistent change per second
function rc(t, x){
x = x.slice(0,t+1); s = 0;
s += x[j]-x[j+1];