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Last active February 26, 2018 01:14
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Norvig Economy Simulation
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
COLW = 10
chars = ascii_lowercase + digits
class Economy(object):'bmh')
def __init__(self, population, corporations):
self.ids = list()
# Population starting wealth
self.population = {self.id_gen(): w for w in population}
# Corporations start with 0 units
self.corps = {self.id_gen(): 0 for _ in range(corporations)}
# Set up multi-directional network
self.G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
# Add population nodes
self.G.add_nodes_from(self.population.keys(), bipartite=0)
self.G.add_nodes_from(self.population.keys(), bipartite=1)
# Randomly assign actors to work for each company
for cid in self.corps.keys():
# Equal number of people work for each company
eids = random.sample(self.population.keys(), int(len(self.population)/len(self.corps)))
for eid in eids:
self.G.add_edge(cid, eid)
self.n = len(self.population)
self.stages = [[self.population.copy(), self.corps.copy()]]
self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 4))
self.stats = list()
def id_gen(self):
eid = ''
# Guarantee unique
while len(eid) == 0:
eid = ''.join(random.sample(chars, 5))
if eid in self.ids:
eid = ''
return eid
def transaction(self, a, c):
# Actor spends a random quantity of their wealth with the company
w = self.population[a]
r = np.random.uniform(0, self.population[a])
# Add edge to network between participants, weighted by transaction size
self.G.add_edge(a, c, weight=r)
return w - r, self.corps[c] + r
def distribute(self, cid, revenue, pop):
while revenue > 1:
for eid in self.G[cid].keys():
# pay = revenue / employees
pay = np.random.uniform(0, revenue)
# Give rounding error to this employee:
pay = revenue if pay < 1 else pay
pop[0][eid] += pay
pop[1][cid] -= pay
revenue -= pay
self.G.add_edge(cid, eid, weight=pay)
return pop
def gini(y):
"""Calculate the Gini coefficient of a numpy array.
based on bottom eq:
:param y: 1-dimensional numpy array, input series
:return: int, Gini coefficient
y = sorted(y)
n = len(y)
numer = 2 * sum((i + 1) * y[i] for i in range(n))
denom = n * sum(y)
return (numer / denom) - (n + 1) / n
def auto_bin(y, m=5):
""" Modified Freedman-Diaconis rule to optimize # of histogram bins
:param narray: numpy array
:param m: int, optional; minimum number of bins to return
:return: int, rounded number of optimal bins for histogram of sample
narray = np.array(y)
iqr = np.subtract(*np.percentile(narray, [75, 25]))
return max(m, int(2 * iqr * narray.size ** (-1/3)))
def simulate(self, generations, events):
print(" ".join(self.cols))
print(" ".join(["-" * len(x) for x in self.cols]))
print(self.stat_row(0, 0))
for g in range(1, generations + 1):
pop = [self.population.copy(), self.corps.copy()]
for _ in range(events):
a, c = random.sample(pop[0].keys(), 1)[0], random.sample(pop[1].keys(), 1)[0]
pop[0][a], pop[1][c] = self.transaction(a=a, c=c)
for cid, revenue in pop[1].items():
pop = self.distribute(cid, revenue, pop)
x = self.stat_row(g, events * g)
if g % (generations * 0.05) == 0:
self.plot(generations, events)
def plot(self, g, e):
v_1 = [*self.stages[0][0].values()]
v_n = [*self.stages[-1][0].values()]
# Starting population
self.axes[0][0].hist(v_1, edgecolor=(0, 0, .14),
label="Starting population (n={:,.0f})".format(self.n),
range=(0, max(v_n)))
self.axes[0][0].set_title("Population Wealth")
# Ending population
self.axes[0][0].hist(v_n, color=(.7, 0, 0, 0.5), edgecolor=(.14, 0, 0),
label="Ending population (generation={:,.0f}; transactions={:,.0f})".format(g, g * e),
range=(0, max(v_n)))
# Gini index
self.axes[0][1].set_title("Wealth Inequality", fontsize=10)
self.axes[0][1].set_ylabel("Gini Coefficient")
def summary(self):
return pd.DataFrame(data=self.stats, columns=self.cols)
cols = [x + " " * max(0, COLW - len(x)) for x in \
["generation", "cum events", "n", "G", "median", "stdev", "min", "25%", "50%", "90%", "99%", "max"]]
def stat_row(self, i, j):
""" Store and return summary statistics for most recent generation """
p = [*self.stages[-1][0].values()]
self.stats.append([i, j, len(p), self.gini(p), np.median(p), np.std(p),
min(p), np.percentile(p, 25), np.percentile(p, 50),
np.percentile(p, 90), np.percentile(p, 99), max(p)])
row = ["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in self.stats[-1]]
return " ".join([" " * max(0, COLW - len(x)) + x for x in row])
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