I hereby claim:
- I am rhcp011235 on github.
- I am rhcp011235 (https://keybase.io/rhcp011235) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is FCAA 9BCA C2FF F848 16DF D2D5 0741 4F08 CDDD 7B7A
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<manifest> | |
<!-- Remotes --> | |
<remote name="nasty" fetch="https://github.com/NastyAndroidDevs/" /> | |
<!-- Trees (Open Source) --> | |
<project path="device/oneplus/dumpling" name="android_device_oneplus_dumpling" remote="nasty" revision="lineage-15.0" /> | |
<project path="kernel/oneplus/msm8998" name="android_kernel_oneplus_msm8998" remote="nasty" revision="lineage-15.0" /> | |
<project path="device/oneplus/msm8998-common" name="android_device_oneplus_msm8998-common" remote="nasty" revision="lineage-15.0" /> |
### Keybase proof | |
I hereby claim: | |
* I am rhcp011235 on github. | |
* I am rhcp011235 (https://keybase.io/rhcp011235) on keybase. | |
* I have a public key ASDZqKtLe0DqEe6Cl5tOMmF3WS7C7St4504H_NQ_tKNbuwo | |
To claim this, I am signing this object: |