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Rheinard Korf rheinardkorf

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rheinardkorf / gist:6834dc067c7890b9f2c3
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
A simple ruby script to add to a TextMate bundle that aligns PHP key/value pairs.
#!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -wKU
# Author: Rheinard Korf
# Usage:
# * Create a new bundle (or add to existing bundle).
# * Create a new command (e.g. KeyValue Alignment) and set a shortcut key (e.g. Ctrl+Cmd+Option+] )
# * Paste the code in the command editor and save the bundle (Cmd+S)
# Now select a set of key/value pairs (not the whole array) and try out the new command.
rheinardkorf / gist:56078b6907ddb6c041e9
Created June 30, 2014 06:53
A Ruby script for TextMate to cleanup your project's PHP according to WordPress PHP Coding Guidelines.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author: Rheinard Korf
# Usage:
# Needs to be added to a TextMate bundle as a new 'Command'
# Set command's input to 'None' and output to 'Show in Tool Tip'
# What it does:
# - Adds whitespace inside parentheses.
rheinardkorf / wp-cleanup.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
A Ruby command line script to cleanup your project's PHP according to WordPress PHP Coding Guidelines.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author: Rheinard Korf
# Usage:
# Run from command line by passing the path as an argument (add a trailing slash).
# If path is not set it will use the current directory. (Not recommended)
# Examples:
# ruby wp-cleanup.rb /my/project/path/
# (OR set as executable "chmod +x wp-cleanup.rb")
# A script I use daily to quickly zip up a git repo.
# Note you will need:
# Adaptation of:
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo "Please enter a version number:"
rheinardkorf / vvv_host_update.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Simple WordPress plugin for VVV to update your vvv-hosts file with your new sites, or remove sites. Running 'vagrant reload' will update local hosts file if you have the vagrant-hostsupdater plugin installed. NOTE: Don't forget to update $site_folder.
Plugin Name: VVV Host Update
Plugin URI:
Description: Updates the vvv-hosts file for multisite configs with subdomain enabled.
Author: Rheinard Korf
Author URI:
Version: 1.0
Network: True
rheinardkorf / php_properties.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Searches a PHP Class for declared properties, uses and implicit properties. Not overly elegant, but scratched an annoying itch!
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
declared_properties = []
properties = []
implicit_properties = []
if ARGV[0].to_s.strip.length == 0
puts 'No filename specified.'
rheinardkorf / prosites-remove-ads-on-given-pages.php
Last active November 2, 2015 00:39
Remove Pro Sites Ad modules from given pages/posts - This snippet is used to prevent ads from showing up on the front end for given pages or post types on your site.
// ---------------------------------------------
// Remove this line and up if you're adding it to an existing PHP file
// Add this to a theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin.
// This will precent the ads from showing on certain pages on your site
function 20151102_remove_ads_on_page ( $setting, $default ) {
// Option 1 -- Filter by page IDS specified as array
rheinardkorf / developer_login.php
Last active January 11, 2016 01:16
WordPress auto-login
* Auto-login script to save having to manually login when developing a WP site.
* Place in wp-content/mu-plugins and remember to add to .gitignore for safety
* Add the DEV_GET_PARAMETER to the url to activate the script and login for you
* e.g. http://localhost:8080/?dev
class MyPlugin {
* Add this at top of your plugin class constructor or whichever method in your class you use to bootstrap your plugin.
* e.g. public static function bootstrap()
public static function bootstrap() {
if ( version_compare( '5.3', phpversion(), '>' ) ) {
rheinardkorf / onename-verify.txt
Created January 11, 2016 04:57
OneName Verify
Verifying that +rheinardkorf is my blockchain ID.