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Richard Morey richarddmorey

  • Cardiff University
  • Cardiff, Wales
View GitHub Profile
richarddmorey / do_plots.R
Last active August 8, 2016 12:52
Comparison between normal and logistic priors for proportion Bayes factors
devtools::source_gist("e49c345fcd6cfe8f32535eda4bd8c29b", filename='utility_functions.R')
# Prior Setup
p0 = .5
rscale = .5
interval = c(.5,1)
# Do not change shift unless you want different prior shift
# will cause deviation from BayesFactor package
# (not that there's anything wrong with that, but changes demo)
shift = qlogis(p0)
richarddmorey / binomial-beta.Rnw
Created June 4, 2016 11:22
A demonstration of Bayes' theorem as "selecting subsets" using R markdown and interactive 3D plots
title: "Joint and conditional, binomial/beta example"
author: "Richard D. Morey"
date: "4 June 2016"
output: html_document
richarddmorey / test_gist.Rnw
Created May 26, 2016 00:56
A test of importing gists inside a latex (really, Sweave) document compiled with knitr in Rstudio.
\usepackage{fancyvrb, listings, xcolor}
\definecolor{mauve}{rgb}{0.88, 0.69, 1.0}
\lstset{ %
language=R, % the language of the code
basicstyle=\footnotesize, % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
richarddmorey / varPost-gist-1.R
Created May 3, 2016 16:27
variance stability post, code part 1
# Install the BayesFactor and devtools packages, if you don't already have them
# Load my S4 class for representing real numbers with logarithms
# and performing arithmetic on them
# See the code at
# set random seed so results are reproducible
richarddmorey / logRepresentedReal.R
Last active May 3, 2016 16:19
Representing real numbers using logarithms in R
# S4 class to represent real numbers as logarithms
# Includes standard arithmetic operations +,-,*,/, and ^
# Richard D. Morey (
# November 2014
# Compute log(exp(a) + exp(b))
logExpAplusExpB <- function(a, b)
richarddmorey / likert_check.R
Last active March 4, 2017 14:51
R script to check possible means and standard deviations for likert responses
# Option 1: Get all solutions
# using brute force
## This function creates every possible distribution of responses for
## a likert scale with nlev responses. This is total brute force. There's
## probably a better way.
## Argument:
## v : initially, the total number of responses
richarddmorey / forNick.R
Created February 16, 2016 14:59
Compute correlations from a table of summary statistics
x = scan()
35.84 8.71 38.14 8.55 -3.89 36 .000
38.22 7.66 39.73 7.80 -5.19 36 .000
67.16 8.05 68.65 8.78 -4.08 36 .000
22.08 3.28 22.68 3.58 -2.12 36 .041
22.30 2.46 23.03 2.65 -3.96 36 .000
22.78 2.97 22.95 2.91 -0.92 36 .362
60.73 2.75 63.76 2.80 -5.85 36 .000
18.19 1.68 19.84 1.52 -4.84 36 .000
richarddmorey / arbitrary_prior.R
Last active March 21, 2022 20:26
Functions for computing the Bayes factor t test for an arbitrary prior on effect size
## This function computes the (normalized) marginal likelihood.
## You will not use this function directly.
p.y.alt = function(t.stat, N, log.prior.dens,lo=-Inf,up=Inf,...){
normalize = integrate(function(delta,...){
exp(log.prior.dens(delta, ...))
}, lower = lo, upper = up, ...)[[1]]
py = integrate(function(delta,t.stat,N,...){
dt(t.stat, N - 1, ncp = delta*sqrt(N), log = TRUE) +
richarddmorey / funnel_no_pub_bias.R
Created January 9, 2016 07:51
A demonstration of how we can get asymmetric funnel plots with no publication bias
Nmin = 20
Nmax = 100
Mmax = 100
Mtotal = 2*Nmin*Mmax
Num_sim_per_N = 10
N = rep(seq(Nmin,Nmax,10), each = Num_sim_per_N)
M = round( Mtotal / ( 2 * N ) )
richarddmorey / log_scale_demo.R
Last active November 27, 2015 17:59
log scale demo
t = 2
N = 25
# Create vector of r values from one-fifth the default to five times
# the default; a *huge* range
r = exp(seq(-log(5),log(5),len=100)+log(sqrt(2)/2))
# Compute BF
bf = sapply(r, function(r) BayesFactor::ttest.tstat(t,N,rscale = r,simple=TRUE))
# Plots