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richö butts richo

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import sys
import string
words = sys.argv[1:]
def embiggen_word(word):

Where is this place?

25001 S Kasson Road, Tracy Their wobsite is at

What do I need to bring?

You should wear closed toed shoes, and wear something that you believe will survive freefall. Layers are a good choice so you can make the call as we go, but it's pretty warm rn so you're unlikely to be cold.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
def get_10_random_numbers():
lst = [i for i in range(1, 11)]
return lst
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
def get_10_random_numbers():
lst = []
while True:
elem = random.randint(1, 10)
if elem not in lst:
# This is a sample config file for unix-like systems. See Windows/gnokiirc
# for a Windows sample.
# Copy this file into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gnokii/config (which is
# $HOME/.config/gnokii/config in most cases) and change port, connection and
# model settings following the comments below. See
# for working examples.
<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="payload"></div>
richo /
Last active November 23, 2016 00:43

So [OJ][oj] posted this [pwnable][binary_link] that had evidently survived the BsidesCBR and Kiwicon CTFs and it got my interest.

I haven't really been CTFing actively for years, but I still occasionally enjoy pwning things, and I don't remember if I've ever done one of OJ's challenges. So I grabbed a copy, and decided to see how lazy I could be while still shaking a shell out of this thing.

His challenge talks some goofy binary protocol that I didn't even attempt to understand, but he helpfully included a sample script that emits a valid

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# execve generated by ROPgadget
from struct import pack
import binascii
# Padding goes here
p = ''
p += pack('<Q', 0x0000000000401907) # pop rsi ; ret
Running `target/debug/examples/reader dwarfdump`
MachHeader {
header: Header {
magic: 4277009103,
cputype: 16777223,
cpusubtype: 3,
filetype: 10,
ncmds: 7,
sizeofcmds: 2968,
flags: 0,
require 'continuation'
def twice
puts "hello"
def func
callcc { |cc| $cc = cc }