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<div id="images">
<h3>Images for toronto</h3>
<img src="to1.jpeg"/>
<img src="to2.jpeg"/>
<img src="to3.jpeg"/>
<img src="to4.jpeg"/>
<div id="images">
<h3>Images for toronto</h3>
<img src="to1.jpeg"/>
<img src="to2.jpeg"/>
<img src="to3.jpeg"/>
<img src="to4.jpeg"/>
#Implement a caesar cipher that takes in a string and the shift factor and then outputs the modified string
puts "enter a sentence"
input = gets.chomp #store string in variable 'input'
puts "enter offset number"
offset = gets.chomp.to_i #store number in variable 'offset'. Convert string to integer (gets.chomp by default returns a string value)
git init
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
I'm getting the following error message ===>