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rikaardhosein / isPalindrome.c
Created April 17, 2012 22:36
Recursive isPlaindrome
bool isPalindrome( char *string, unsigned int l, unsigned int r )
if( l >= r )return true;
if( string[l] != string[r] ) return false;
return isPalindrome( string, l+1, r-1 );
rikaardhosein / Fib.c
Created April 17, 2012 23:52
Recursive Fibonacci
unsigned int Fib( unsigned int n )
if( n == 0 ) return 0;
if( (n==1) || (n==2) ) return 1;
else return Fib(n-1)+Fib(n-2);
rikaardhosein / gist:2466747
Created April 22, 2012 20:40
libavutil's av_malloc
void *av_malloc(size_t size)
void *ptr = NULL;
long diff;
/* let's disallow possible ambiguous cases */
if (size > (max_alloc_size-32))
return NULL;
rikaardhosein / gist:2466932
Created April 22, 2012 21:05
/* let's disallow possible ambiguous cases */
if (size > (max_alloc_size-32))
return NULL;
rikaardhosein / gist:2466997
Created April 22, 2012 21:20
ptr = malloc(size+ALIGN);
return ptr;
diff= ((-(long)ptr - 1)&(ALIGN-1)) + 1;
ptr = (char*)ptr + diff;
((char*)ptr)[-1]= diff;
from z3 import *
ciphertext = "320b1c5900180a034c74441819004557415b0e0d1a316918011845524147384f5700264f48091e4500110e41030d1203460b1d0752150411541b455741520544111d0000131e0159110f0c16451b0f1c4a74120a170d460e13001e120a1106431e0c1c0a0a1017135a4e381b16530f330006411953664334593654114e114c09532f271c490630110e0b0b".decode("hex")
length = len(ciphertext)
ct = [ ord(ciphertext[i]) for i in range(0,length) ]
def encrypt(s):
c = []
space = IntVal(0xa)
if( isset($_COOKIE['username']) )
if( strcmp($_COOKIE['username'],"Jane") == 0)
echo "You have successfully logged in as Jane!";
if ((unsigned long)(nb) <= (unsigned long)(get_max_fast ()))
idx = fastbin_index(nb);
mfastbinptr* fb = &fastbin (av, idx);
mchunkptr pp = *fb;
victim = pp;
if (victim == NULL)
rikaardhosein / sale.cpp
Last active October 11, 2015 18:37
Sale Problem
//Rikaard Hosein
#include &lt;cstdlib&gt;
#include &lt;cstdio&gt;
#include &lt;climits&gt;
#include &lt;memory.h&gt;
using namespace std;
#define _DEBUG_
rikaardhosein /
Created April 22, 2013 01:49
PlaidCTF - compression
import os
import struct
import SocketServer
import zlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util import Counter
# Not the real keys!
ENCRYPT_KEY = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'.decode('hex')