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import binarySearch from 'discourse/plugins/discourse-data-explorer/discourse/lib/binary-search';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'td',
user: function() {
const valueInt = parseInt(this.get('value'));
const userRelAry = this.get('extra.relations.user');
const idx = binarySearch(userRelAry, valueInt);
return userRelAry[idx];
}.property('extra.relations', 'value')
// file: templates/explorer/user.raw.hbs
const QueryRowContentComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: "tr",
render() {
if (user) {
public interface A {
public int compareTo(A other);
<Shocky4> Script timed out
<Lunatrius> lol
<osuka_> s/out/in/
<Shocky4> Script timed in
<clarjon1> s/in/up/
<Shocky4> Script timed up
<Riking> "Even then, if your project blows up in popularity, you should do the right thing and provide support or pull the product regardless of your preference. "
<osuka_> s/up//
<Shocky4> "Even then, if your project blows in popularity, you should do the right thing and provide support or pull the product regardless of your preference. "
<Riking> "It goes without saying that we can only properly support a product we’ve worked on ourselves."
riking / factions-pom.xml
Created May 6, 2014 02:38
Factions maven poms
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
package eu.phiwa.dt.anticheatplugins;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public interface AbstractHandler {
public void startExempting(Player player);
public void stopExempting(Player player);
[17:28:25 INFO]: Riking[/] logged in with entity id 386 at ([world] 148.60018809111764, 75.0, 262.1895581330476)
[17:28:30 INFO]: PacketPlayOutNamedSoundEffect[41, legacy: 62]
[17:28:37 INFO]: <Riking> Opening chest
[17:28:38 INFO]: PacketPlayOutNamedSoundEffect[41, legacy: 62]
[17:28:39 INFO]: PacketPlayOutOpenWindow[45, legacy: 100]
[17:28:39 INFO]: PacketPlayOutNamedSoundEffect[41, legacy: 62]
[17:28:41 INFO]: Inventory closed
[17:28:41 INFO]: PacketPlayOutNamedSoundEffect[41, legacy: 62]
[17:28:45 INFO]: PacketPlayOutOpenWindow[45, legacy: 100]
[17:28:45 INFO]: PacketPlayOutNamedSoundEffect[41, legacy: 62]
while ((line = fileReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.isEmpty()) continue;
String[] args = new StrTokenizer(line, StrMatcher.splitMatcher())
ActionHandler.ActionResult actionResult;
try {
public class TestPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
private void putExamples(ConfigurationSection config) {