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Rayat Rahman riotrah

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cheeaun / horizontal-scroll.ahk
Created August 4, 2009 03:18
AutoHotkey: Shift + Wheel for horizontal scrolling
; Shift + Wheel for horizontal scrolling

Get/set ID3 meta tags using ffmpeg

A quick guide on how to read/write/modify ID3 metadata tags for audio / media files using ffmpeg.

FFmpeg has a free-form command line option that allows the user to specify key-value-pairs for encoding metadata. Let's take a look.

1. Read ID3 metadata

To list all global metadata tags for a media file, just set an input but no output file.

alyssais / vpn
Created May 8, 2018 17:12
A tiny command line interface to Viscosity
#!/usr/bin/env bash
run_list() {
osascript <<OSA
tell application "Viscosity"
repeat with theConnection in connections
set theName to name of theConnection
set theState to state of theConnection
log theName & ": " & theState
end repeat
christoph-frick /
Last active October 9, 2024 12:58
Use fennel to write the awesome-wm config

How to write an awesome-wm config with Fennel

Awesome-WM is a X11 window manager, that is configured via Lua. Fennel is a Lisp for Lua. This shows a general setup of how to write your awesome-wm config using fennel directly without the compilation step (which would also work, but is not needed).

General setup

Fetch a recent Fennel version (the

roman01la / analyze.clj
Created March 18, 2021 01:42
analyzing unused and undefined re-frame subscriptions via clj-kondo
(ns analyze.core
(:require [clj-kondo.core :as clj-kondo]
[clojure.set :as set]))
;; checks re-frame's :<- syntax
;; to mark dependency subscriptions as used
(def analyze-reg-sub
"(require '[clj-kondo.hooks-api :as api])
(fn [{node :node}]
(let [[_ kw & children] (:children node)
TechDufus / Test-PowerShellProfilePerformance.ps1
Last active September 5, 2022 21:27
Test PowerShell Profile Performance
Perform a benchtest of your PowerShell profile.
Load Powershell (or Preview) X number of times with NO profile, and with profile, and compare the average loading times.
Specify the number of consoles to load for testing.
Specify whether to test again pwsh-preview or not.
With this present, the tests will use pwsh-preview.
(defn- attach
"Takes a function to clone and a map of CSF related values
- :args
- :arg-types
- :parameters
These are then properly named and assigned to the template prototype
rsteube /
Last active April 7, 2023 17:35
A pragmatic approach to shell completion

The rise of new shells

One of the biggest improvements to my terminal experience was the switch from [Bash] to [Zsh]. The reason for this is the astonishing amount of completions provided by the community. As well as something I didn't know of before: menu completion. A mode where you can cycle through the possible values. But like [vim] [Zsh] is quite tough on new users.

Then there was [Fish]. A shell that is more accessible to new users and thus calls itself friendly. But one major catch: the break from [POSIX]. This is actually a good thing yet the lack of completions at the time prevented me to make the switch.

Now there is a new generation of shells that allow passing structured data through a pipe. This is a major thing and well worth its own article.

Karabiner layouts for symbols and navigation

Gavin Sinclair, January 2022


I use Karabiner (configured with Gosu) to make advanced key mappings on my Apple computer. Karabiner allows you to create “layers”, perhaps simulating those on a programmable mechanical keyboard. I make good use of these layers to give me easy access (home-row or nearby) to all symbols and navigational controls, and even a numpad.

The motivation is to keep hand movement to a minimum. Decades of coding on standard keyboards has unfortunately left me with hand and wrist pain. I will soon enough own a small split keyboard which will force me to use layers to access symbols etc., so this Karabiner solution, which has evolved over months, is a training run for that.

mdgrs-mei / ShellIntegration.ps1
Last active January 30, 2025 03:41
Adds escape codes to the prompt for the shell integration
# Reference:
[ValidateSet('WindowsTerminal', 'ITerm2')]
[String]$TerminalProgram = 'WindowsTerminal'
# Restore hooked functions in case this script is executed accidentally twice