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rizwanreza / gist:950502
Created May 1, 2011 13:32
This is how I test the pull request
Given you're testing this pull request:
You'll found out that the commit is from 'smartinez87'
[master][~/Projects/rails] git remote add smartinez87
[master][~/Projects/rails] git remote show smartinez87
* remote smartinez87
Fetch URL:
Push URL:
HEAD branch: master
Remote branches:

A replacement for "livereload" gem on OS X

This script is a replacement for livereload server component designed for working with Rails. It watches the filesystem with FS Events (Mac OS X) rather than with EventMachine. This is better for large projects for wich EventMachine fails with "too many open files" exception.

Sass is supported; .sass files can also be stored in "app/styles/" directory. Compass is detected if "config/compass.rb" file exists.


Download this script to somewhere in your PATH and make it executable. You can name it something different than "livereload" if you want to try this and the official gem executable in parallel.

require 'spec_helper'
describe HomeController do
before do
request.env['warden'] = mock_model(Warden, :authenticate => @user, :authenticate! => @user)
let(:profile) { mock_model(Profile, :id => 1, :user_id => 1, :name => "John Doe") }
describe "GET 'index'" do
diff --git a/actionpack/Rakefile b/actionpack/Rakefile
index b9ace86..f3bd7df 100644
--- a/actionpack/Rakefile
+++ b/actionpack/Rakefile
@@ -88,23 +88,4 @@ task :lines do
puts "Total: Lines #{total_lines}, LOC #{total_codelines}"
# Optional parameters Examples
match '/posts(/:title)'
match "whatever/:controller(/:action(/:id))"
namespace :forum do
resources :posts
# Rack and Sinatra Examples
Ticket #3697
Yehuda: How to cache bundler path?
Ticket #1639
Make a patch against master
//** Vertical Rhythm **//
// By Chris Eppstein and Eric Meyer, living here on a temporary basis
// set the default border style for rhythm borders
!default_rhythm_border_style = "solid"
// The IE font ratio is a fact of life. Deal with it.
!ie_font_ratio = 16px / 100%
# rails tryout -m fashioned.rb --skip-activerecord
app = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))).split('/').last
# This uses Edge Rails for now
file 'Gemfile', <<-GEMS
source ''
gem "rails", :git => "git://"
gem "mongo_ext"
gem "mongo_mapper"
List of patches that can be applied straight-away.
* The patch adds up support for PostgreSQL case sensitive columns called citex.
* PostgreSQL timestamp with zone type support
* ActiveRecord#touch without validations and add ActiveRecord#touch! with validations
Usage: script/generate generator [options] [args]
Rails Info:
-v, --version Show the Rails version number and quit.
-h, --help Show this help message and quit.
General Options:
-p, --pretend Run but do not make any changes.
-f, --force Overwrite files that already exist.
-s, --skip Skip files that already exist.