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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rkst on github.
  • I am rkst ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D3DF D8DE A7F9 31D1 7B1F 5FBA CA18 02D6 B51C A183

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Goodbye logplex_token, Hello log_input_url

Rather than provide a log token, we’ll now send a full URL, log_input_url. In the future, EU app logs will be serviced by logging infrastructure in the European region, which will be great news for customers concerned about data transit and residency.

The full documentation for this integration is available here. We will be migrating completely to these changes by October 15th, 2014.

Log input is now opt-in

Any add-on that had stored the logplex_token could use it to send log lines to an application. This method is being phased out and replaced by one that requires providers who wish to input logs to opt-in by adding “log_input” to the requires property of their add-on manifest.

Migrating from logplex_token

If you’re already using logplex_token to send us logs, then there are a number of steps you need to take to continue

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