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Ricardo Lafuente rlafuente

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rlafuente /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Why Data Central post

First problem: Have a common format for storing datasets

At [Transparência Hackday Portugal][1], as with any other open data interest group, we work with many datasets. An issue that has been slowing us down for a long time is that we never had a centralized solution for storing datasets: some are in Google Docs, others in Git repositories, others live on web servers.

Before that, another issue was the data format: we found ourselves lost among

rlafuente / cargos.csv
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Cargos para o Crowdcrafting
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 3 should actually have 2 columns, instead of 3 in line 2.
Membro da Comissão de Bolsas de Estudo da Câmara Municipal de Vila Re-al (2001-2005),Cataloga este cargo:
Membro eleito da Assembleia Estatutária, como docente doutorado da Á¬rea das Ciências Humanas e Sociais (2007-2008),Cataloga este cargo:
Co-organizador da Exposição ¿Uma Viagem no Tempo¿, promovida pelo Agrupamento Vertical das Escolas de Murça (Maio-Junho de 2004),Cataloga este cargo:
Membro do grupo de trabalho para a revisão dos Estatutos da UTAD (2005-2008),Cataloga este cargo:
12.09.2003 - 17.07.2004 - Secretária de Estado da Segurança Social no XV Governo Constitucional,Cataloga este cargo:
Membro da Secção Permanente Disciplinar do Senado Universitário (2002-2009),Cataloga este cargo:
Membro fundador da Associação de Pais e Amigos de Crianças Deficientes de Vila Real (1976),Cataloga este cargo:
Membro eleito do Senado Universitário, como docente doutorado da Área das Ciências Humanas e Sociais (2002-2009),Cataloga este cargo:
Membro eleito da Assembleia da Universidade, como docente d
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 4.
"Name","URL","Blurb","Limitations","Data subject","Formats","Ready to use data formats?","Bulk download?","National","Terms","Terms URL","Notes"
"","","The official portal for public datasets. Many kinds of national- and local-level data can be found.","Many datasets are high-quality, whereas a few have limited time scopes. ","Many types","CSV, JSON","Yes","Yes","National and local","Open (Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0)","",
"Lisboa Aberta","","Official open data portal for Lisbon. Contains more than 200 GeoJSON datasets about various fields of activity, business and leisure.",,"Geo","GeoJSON","Yes","Yes","Local","Open (Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0)","",
"One Stop Transport","","Data provider with real-time transport data in some cities. Makes available a well-documented API for their datasets.","Lisbon is not included in this portal. Needs re
rlafuente /
Last active May 11, 2018 21:23
CSV in jQuery


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