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defp create_table() do
case :mnesia.create_table(@module, [
{:ram_copies, [node()]},
storage_properties: [[ets: [:compressed]]],
attributes: @attributes,
index: @indexes
]) do
:ok -> :ok
{:atomic, :ok} -> :ok
{:aborted, {:already_exists, @module}} -> :ok
rlb3 / dagger_demos.livemd
Created May 11, 2022 23:46 — forked from zblanco/dagger_demos.livemd
Dagger Demos 5/3/22

Dagger Demos


Dagger is a tool for modeling your workflows as data that can be composed together at runtime.

Dagger constructs can be integrated into a Dagger.Workflow and evaluated lazily in concurrent contexts.

Getting Lazy with Dataflow Graphs in Elixir


What do Tensorflow, Apache Airflow, Rule Engines, and Excel have in common?

Under the hood they all use DAGs to model data-flow dependencies of the program. Using graphs to model programs is great because you can modify the program at runtime. Lets talk about doing this in Elixir for great good.

export PAGER=less
export LESS="-iMSx4 -FX"

Erlang ships with two amazing command line utilities which you can use to run any application and connect to it any time you want. They are called run_erl and to_erl:

run_erl ./my_app /dir/for/logging iex -S mix The command above will execute iex -S mix and give it a name of my_app and will log any entries to “/dir/for/logging”. Make sure the logging directory exists otherwise run_erl may fail silently.

Now you can connect to the iex terminal of that node at any time by doing this:

to_erl ./my_app This means that, if you use run_erl to start Elixir with IEx inside Docker, you can connect to IEx and issue :init.stop/0 for proper node shutdown. :init.stop/0 will go application by application and shutdown their supervision tree respecting the configured timeouts. You can automate it by running:

# Day List
## Module
defmodule DayList do
@days [:sun, :mon, :tues, :wed, :thurs, :fri, :sat]
@spec build_list(first :: atom(), last :: atom()) :: list() | {:error, :invalid_day}
def build_list(first, last) when first in @days and last in @days do
rlb3 / .zshrc
Last active July 8, 2022 18:57
export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled"
export KERL_BUILD_DOCS="yes"
export KERL_DOC_TARGETS=chunks
export KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes
export WX_CONFIG="/usr/local/bin/wx-config"
export KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-wx-config=$WX_CONFIG"
rlb3 / find_modules.ex
Created April 2, 2021 14:31
Plugin Ideas
with {:ok, list} <- :application.get_key(:my_app, :modules) do
|> Enum.filter(& &1 |> Module.split |> Enum.take(1) == ~w|UserHelpers|)
|> Enum.reduce(user_data, fn m, acc -> apply(m, :create, acc) end)
@doc """
Stream chunks of results from the given queryable.
Unlike, this function does not keep a long running transaction open.
Hence, consistency is not guarenteed in the presence of rows being deleted or sort criteria changing.
## Example
Ecto.Query.from(u in Users, order_by: [asc: :created_at])
|> Repo.chunk(100)
defmodule MissingFunction do
def unquote(:"$handle_undefined_function")(func, args), do: [func, args]
# iex(3)> MissingFunction.asdf(1,2,3)
# [:asdf, [1, 2, 3]]