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rmosolgo / euro_currencies.json
Created March 2, 2014 01:11
JSON for currencies that were replaced by the Euro. Source
"Austria" : { "former_currency_name" : "Austrian schilling", "former_currency_iso3" : "ATS", "euro_rate" : 13.7603, "fixed_on" : "1998-12-31", "yielded" : "1999-01-01" },
"Belgium" : { "former_currency_name" : "Belgian franc", "former_currency_iso3" : "BEF", "euro_rate" : 40.3399, "fixed_on" : "1998-12-31", "yielded" : "1999-01-01" },
"Cyprus" : { "former_currency_name" : "Cypriot pound", "former_currency_iso3" : "CYP", "euro_rate" : 0.585274, "fixed_on" : "2007-07-10", "yielded" : "2008-01-01" },
"Germany" : { "former_currency_name" : "German mark", "former_currency_iso3" : "DEM", "euro_rate" : 1.95583, "fixed_on" : "1998-12-31", "yielded" : "1999-01-01" },
"Estonia" : { "former_currency_name" : "Estonian kroon", "former_currency_iso3" : "EEK", "euro_rate" : 15.6466, "fixed_on" : "2010-07-13", "yielded" : "2011-01-01" },
"Spain" : { "former_currency_name" : "Spanish peseta", "former_currency_iso3" : "ESP", "euro_rate" : 166.386, "fixed_on" : "1998-12-31", "yielded" : "1999-01-01" },
rmosolgo /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
encode child items from ids
class Parent extends Batman.Model
# Encode 'children' from JSON like {children: [1,2,3]}
@encode 'children',
# to put the child ids in JSON, just pull out the ides and set them on the JSON object
encode: (value, key, builtJSON, record) ->
ids = value.mapToProperty('id')
builtJSON.key = ids
# to load records from JSON, make a new Set and fill it with child records
rmosolgo / index.haml
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Infinite scroll in batman.js
#helpdesk_search_results{"data-event-scroll" => "checkScroll"}
%li{"data-foreach-lesson" => "Lesson.loaded"}
%div{"data-partial" => "lessons/_lesson"}
rmosolgo /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
# from
# example:
# class App.ThingsController extends Batman.Controller
# edit: (params) ->
# App.Thing.find, (err, record) =>
# @set('thing', record.transaction())
# save: ->
# @get('thing').save() # The `transaction` implements ::save which applies changes and fires save on the original.
rmosolgo /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Observing a loaded set in batman.js
class App.Wizard extends Batman.Model
loadedSet = App.Wizard.get('loaded')
loadedSet.on 'itemsWereAdded', (items, indexes) ->
# items is an array of the new records
console.log("#{items.length} new wizards!")
loadedSet.on 'itemsWereRemoved', (items, indexes) ->
rmosolgo /
Created March 25, 2014 20:08
override Model::toJSON to support accepts_nested_attributes_for
class App.Model extends Batman.Model
toJSON: ->
builtJSON = super
builtJSON.nested_items_attributes = builtJSON.nested_items
delete builtJSON.nested_items
rmosolgo / model
Created April 10, 2014 22:32
Observe attributes of a batmanjs Batman.Model
class MyApp.Thing extends Batman.Model
constructor: ->
# Whenever someProperty changes, capitalized property will be updated
@observe 'someProperty', (newValue, oldValue) ->
@set('capitalizedProperty', newValue?.toUpperCase())
rmosolgo / Gulpfile.js
Created April 13, 2014 23:35
Render batman.js views into a modal
var gulp = require('gulp');
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var jade = require('gulp-jade');
var batmanTemplates = require("gulp-batman-templates")
gulp.task('default', function(){'./**/*', ["build", "html", "finalize"])
Loader =
show: ->
hide: ->
window.activeXhrCount = 0
window.globalLoaderEnabled = true
$(document).ajaxSend ->
.ajaxComplete ->
rmosolgo /
Created April 15, 2014 17:36
Batman.js Select2 Custom View
# Props to @theberg for making this
# usage:
# select data-view='Select2View' data-view-bind='item.option_id'
# option value='' None
# option data-foreach-opt='Option.all' data-bind='' data-bind-value=''
class App.Select2View extends Batman.View
@option 'bind', 'placeholder'