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=^.^= actually 'learning python' en

rnek0 rnek0

=^.^= actually 'learning python' en
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rnek0 /
Last active September 8, 2022 18:40 — forked from BiS-9/
Lista de recursos de Hack4u para empezar en Ciberseguridad
rnek0 /
Last active March 6, 2024 01:53
Some bash commands & aliases

Aliases & oneliners

Some lines to speak with computers...

Bash. Alias to get a functional $TERM with colors

alias ssh="TERM=xterm-color ssh"
rnek0 /
Last active March 31, 2023 18:15
Atajos de entorno con bspwn y sxhkd

Atajos de entorno con bspwn y sxhkd

wm independent hotkeys

atajo funcionalidad
super + enter Abre la kitty
super + escape Refresca archivos de configuracion
super + d Abre Rofi
rnek0 / .gitignore
Created March 12, 2023 14:00 — forked from kmorcinek/.gitignore
.gitignore for C# projects
# The following command works for downloading when using Git for Windows:
# curl -LOf
# Download this file using PowerShell v3 under Windows with the following comand:
# Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile .gitignore
# or wget:
# wget --no-check-certificate
# User-specific files
rnek0 /
Last active March 16, 2023 17:58 — forked from wulfgarpro/
HTB "Under Construction" CVE-2015-9235 PoC
CVE-2015-9235 PoC, known as
"JWT HS/RSA key confusion vulnerability".
This PoC was used to solve the HTB challenge
"Under Construction" on HackTheBox (HTB).
Token was obtained by logging into the

Kitty Shortcuts

Comando Resultado
Ctrl + shift + enter Splitear la consola
Ctrl + shift + R Resize [ Wider - Narrower - Taller - Shorter - Reset ]
Ctrl + shift + Z Toggle Zoom - deZoom
Ctrl + shift + atl + T Renombrar la ventana
Ctrl + alt + T Add new window
Ctrl + shift + B Mover los tabs en sentido horario

Set target & Clear target

Il s'agit des deux scripts prévus pour la barre de droite pour avoir l'ip et le nom de la machine.

settarget {ip} {nomMachine}

ex : settarget Vaccine

cleartarget efface les infos

//"Confirmer Y/y/Yes/yes ?"
package main
# Convert IPv4 to bin
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
echo -e "\n [!] This script needs an IPv4 address";
exit 0
blue_color=$(printf '\033[34m')