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use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Marpa::R2 2.100;
use Data::Dumper;
# array: 'A' count ':' element+
# string: 'S' length ':' byte+
rns / output
Created December 31, 2014 07:12
if precedence is removed "a+"a"a"+a"a"+a can be parsed and is ambiguous
# input: "a+"a"a"+a"a"+a
Ambiguous parse: 3 alternatives:
# ast 0:
# ast 1:
# ast 2:
# input: a"a"+a
# ast 0:
# input: "a+"a""+a
# ast 0:
# + left-associative: a+a+a
Ambiguous parse: 2 alternatives: at C:\cygwin\home\Ruslan\Marpa-R2-work\q27655176.t line 69.
# ast 0:
# ast 1:
# + lazily eating operands: aa+aa
# input: "a+"a""+a
# ast dump:
# + left-associative: a+a+a
rns /
Created November 21, 2014 12:37
capture-based group lexer
use 5.010;
use strict;
# this lexer supports adding lexemes as regexes (not only literals)
# and finding tokens by matched alternative number
my $string = <<END;
# comment
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Marpa::R2;
my $g = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new( { source => \(<<'END_OF_SOURCE'),
:default ::= action => [ value ]
lexeme default = action => [ name, value ] latm => 1
# Output of $r->ambiguous(): at C:\cygwin\home\Ruslan\Marpa-R2-work\ line 84.
Length of symbol "table" at line 3, column 1 is ambiguous
Choices start with: +Team:US
Choice 1, length=415, ends at C:\cygwin\home\Ruslan\Marpa-R2-work\ line 85.
# Output of $r->value(), max_parses is in effect, so works ok: at C:\cygwin\home\Ruslan\Marpa-R2-work\ line 89.
['data',['heading',['string','Soccer']],['tables',['table',['row',['level','+'],['name',['string','Team']],':',['value',['string','US']]],['row',['level','++'],['name',['string','Shirt']],':',['value',['string','Red & White Stripes']]],['row',['level','++'],['name',['string','Shorts']],':',['value',['string','Blue']]],['row',['level','++'],['name',['string','Players']],':',['value',['string','17']]],['row',['level','+++'],['name',['string','Active']],':',['value',['string','11']]],['row',['level','++++'],['name',['string','Forward']],':',['value',['string','2']]],['row',['level','++++'],['name',['string','Midf
rns /
Created October 11, 2014 09:34
general lexer
use 5.010;
use strict;
# this lexer supports adding lexemes as regexes (not only literals)
# and finding tokens by matched alternative number
my $string = <<END;
# comment