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Peter Elbaor roablep

View GitHub Profile
def $1($2):
""" ${3:Description}
${2/, ?/:\n\t/g}:
Class $1(object):
""" ${2:A comprehensible explanation of the purpose of the class
that a non-programmer can understand along with advice on sub-classing.""}
${3/, ?/:\n\t/g}:
def __init__(self, $3):
${1:Description of why the classes and functions in this file are bundled together.}
__author__ = "$2"
Module: $1
Description: $2
Minimum Python Required: $3
import os
# Assign your top level directory to home
home = "/Users/rhancock"
for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(home, topdown=True):
for dr in dirs:
fullpath_d = os.path.join(dirpath, dr)
for fname in os.listdir(fullpath_d):
roablep / polar updates
Created October 15, 2014 18:24
Polar updates for discussion
// Check to see if secondarypage has been configured
if(typeof config.configureSecondaryPage === "undefined"){
if(typeof window["CN"].polar.configureSecondaryPage === "undefined"){
// Cookie setter and getter functions
// We only want to count daily unique ad blocks
// Taken from
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + "; " + "path=/";
'use strict';
var sites = { // all sites and site placement details
'' : {
slot : '.entry-content #entry-more ',
'' : {
slot : '#teads-container',
for (var key in myd) {
if (myd.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var siteProp = myd[key];
if (siteProp.hasOwnProperty('plugins'))
var pluginsProp = siteProp.plugins;
if (pluginsProp.hasOwnProperty('mobileAdInjector'))
{console.log(key, "-->" , 'Interval - ', pluginsProp.mobileAdInjector.interval, 'Max Injections - ', pluginsProp.mobileAdInjector.maxInjections);}
roablep /
Created August 2, 2017 13:26 — forked from bf4/
Analytics, Metrics and Error monitoring services (and roll your own via logging, etc)