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res = {'id': subnet.get('id'),
'name': subnet.get('name'),
'tenant_id': subnet.get('tenant_id'),
'network_id': subnet.get('network_id'),
'ip_version': subnet.get('ip_version'),
'cidr': subnet.get('_cidr'),
'enable_dhcp': subnet.get('enable_dhcp'),}
#'dns_nameservers': [dns.get('address')
# for dns in subnet.get('dns_nameservers')],
#'gateway_ip': subnet.get('gateway_ip'),
(quantum)localhost{~/.../quantum}:\ (master)]quantum port-delete d80fb43f-9473-40b5-ae87-908f5780
Deleted port: d80fb43f-9473-40b5-ae87-908f5780cebd
(quantum)localhost{~/.../quantum}:\ (master)]quantum port-delete d80fb43f-9473-40b5-ae87-908f5780
Deleted port: d80fb43f-9473-40b5-ae87-908f5780cebd
2013-02-13 19:13:42.012 27160 CRITICAL quantum [-] Port_id (1): fd613b07-ec09-4cc1-8949-0476d2414136:
2013-02-13 19:13:42.016 27160 CRITICAL quantum [-] Port_id: bdc069b9-2012-45ac-b0aa-093b614a8149
roaet / gist:5111811
Last active December 14, 2015 15:59
2013-03-07 15:21:08.671 2271 INFO quantum.quark [-] get_networks_count for tenant 1e6a7a409cdf4f0ab68a718c628167d6 filters {'tenant_id': [u'1e6a7a409cdf4f0ab68a718c628167d6']}
2013-03-07 15:21:08.673 2271 INFO quantum.quark [-] create_network for tenant 1e6a7a409cdf4f0ab68a718c628167d6
2013-03-07 15:21:08.673 2271 DEBUG quantum.quark.nvplib [-] Creating new lswitch for 1e6a7a409cdf4f0ab68a718c628167d6 network bob _create_lswitch /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/quark/drivers/
2013-03-07 15:21:08.674 2271 DEBUG quantum.quark.nvplib [-] Creating lswitch for network 9dff9e26-12f1-405d-8f10-4e8b2a266f15 _create_lswitch /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/quark/drivers/
2013-03-07 15:21:08,674 2271 INFO aiclib.core [-] (POST @ /ws.v1/lswitch): {'display_name': u'bob', 'tags': [{'scope': 'os_tid', 'tag': u'1e6a7a409cdf4f0ab68a718c628167d6'}, {'scope': 'quantum_net_id', 'tag': '9dff9e26-12f1-405d-8f10-4e8b2a266f15'}]} func /home/compute/opensta
(quantum)localhost{~/openstack/.../quark}:\ (master)]tox -r
GLOB sdist-make: /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/
py26 create: /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/.tox/py26
py26 installdeps: -r/home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/tools/pip-requires, -r/home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/tools/test-requires
ERROR: invocation failed, logfile: /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/.tox/py26/log/py26-1.log
ERROR: actionid=py26
666 Downloading/unpacking oslo.config (from -r /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/tools/pip-requires (line 3))
668 Getting page
669 Could not fetch URL HTTP Error 404: Not Found
670 Will skip URL when looking for download links for oslo.config (from -r /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/tools/pip-requires (line 3))
671 URLs to search for versions for oslo.config (from -r /home/compute/openstack/quantum/quark/tools/pip-re
1 [composite:quantum]
2 use = egg:Paste#urlmap
3 /: quantumversions
4 /v2.0: quantumapi_v2_0
6 [composite:quantumapi_v2_0]
7 use = call:quantum.auth:pipeline_factory
8 noauth = egg:repoze.tm2#tm extensions quantumapiapp_v2_0
9 keystone = authtoken keystonecontext egg:repoze.tm2#tm extensions quantumapiapp_v2_0
roaet / gist:5201959
Last active December 15, 2015 04:29
Problem with quantum-client and keystone auth. Passwords in file are temporary. None of the services are configured to run https, so why is quantum-client, through the keystoneclient.middleware using https?
Output from quantum:
2013-03-19 21:46:21 DEBUG [keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token] Authenticating user token
2013-03-19 21:46:21 DEBUG [keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token] Removing headers from request environment: X-Identity-Status,X-Tenant-Id,X-Tenant-Name,X-User-Id,X-User-Name,X-Roles,X-Service-Catalog,X-User,X-Tenant,X-Role
2013-03-19 21:46:21 ERROR [keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token] HTTP connection exception: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:490: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
2013-03-19 21:46:21 DEBUG [keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token] Token validation failure.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/compute/openstack/quantum/.venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/keystoneclient/middleware/", line 552, in _validate_user_token
data = self.verify_uuid_token(user_token, retry)
File "/home/compute/openstack/quantum/.venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/keystoneclient/middleware/", line 729, in verify_uuid_token
headers = {'X-A
roaet / gist:5390624
Created April 15, 2013 19:24
created by
GLOB sdist-make: /home/jhammond/dev/nova/
py26 inst-nodeps: /home/jhammond/dev/nova/.tox/dist/
py26 runtests: commands[0]
py26 runtests: commands[1]
running testr
running=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=60 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ./nova/tests
FAIL: nova.tests.integrated.test_api_samples.ScheduledImagesFilterJsonTest.test_server_get
tags: worker-0
roaet / gist:5827237
Created June 20, 2013 22:18
Issues with flask quickstart
│ from .views import API
│ File "/home/jhammond/dev/flask-api-test/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_restless/", line 41, in
│ <module>
│ from .exceptions import json_abort
│ File "/home/jhammond/dev/flask-api-test/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_restless/", line 1
│4, in <module>
│ from flask.exceptions import JSONHTTPException
│ImportError: No module named exceptions
roaet /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Resources for the sound class

#Sound Resources Class

##Quick Links (all free)

  • bfxr - an online or offline program to create random sounds
  • pixitracker - a simple program for computers, mobile, or tablet to create songs based on tracking
  • audacity - a tool to manipulate and edit sounds


  • when using bfxr ensure that you set your system volume to 50%, or you will have a bad time
  • if you have an iPad then pixitracker is even better