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Robert Brodrecht robertbrodrecht

  • Big Communications
  • Birmingham, AL
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robertbrodrecht / grid.html
Last active April 26, 2021 23:39
Simple CSS Grid Framework
<div class="row">
<div class="column column--6"></div>
<div class="column column--6"></div>
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<div class="column column--4"></div>
<div class="column column--4"></div>
<div class="column column--4"></div>
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robertbrodrecht /
Last active April 30, 2021 19:45
Validate Gravity Forms Empty File Uploads

iOS has a bug with input[type="file"] where a delay in submitting a form from an HTTPS URL after attaching a file will result in an empty zero byte file being sent to the server. To reproduce the issue, create a form with an input[type="file"] on an HTTPS URL, attach a file, then wait 90 seconds before submitting.

If you develop WordPress sites that use Gravity Forms, the above validation filter present an error message when empty, zero-byte files are uploaded.