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class lazy(object):
'''A simple lazy evaluation hack, with just enough magic to be
useful for passing as a value to a Django template.
Creates a lazy wrapper around a function call, when used as
lazy(function, argument_1, argument_2, ...)
The resulting object is callable, and calling it (with no arguments) will
evaluate the function on the arguments passed to the constructor.
robinhouston / gist:772053
Created January 9, 2011 21:42
Make the maze demo from display correctly in IE
diff --git a/jamisbuck-mazes.css b/jamisbuck-mazes.css
index dfbcc74..021bb07 100644
--- a/jamisbuck-mazes.css
+++ b/jamisbuck-mazes.css
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
.row .maze {
padding: 0 0 20px 20px;
display: inline-block;
+ float: left;
robinhouston / gist:788007
Created January 20, 2011 14:50
Number of steps taken when switching from Aldous-Broder to Wilson's algorithm at different points
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitstring.h>
#define ROWS 10
#define COLS 10
#define REPETITIONS 100000
robinhouston / gist:848102
Created February 28, 2011 21:45
When is an odd prime the sum of two squares?
Let p be an odd prime number. Then the following are equivalent:
1. p is congruent to 1 modulo 4.
2. There is some natural number m such that m^2 + 1 is a multiple of p.
3. p is the sum of two squares.
We'll prove (1) => (2) => (3) => (1).
(1) => (2):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# An implementation of a "weave" maze generator. Weave mazes are those
# with passages that pass both over and under other passages. The
# technique used in this program was described to me by Robin Houston,
# and works by first decorating the blank grid with the over/under
# crossings, and then using Kruskal's algorithm to fill out the rest
# of the grid. (Kruskal's is very well-suited to this approach, since
# it treats the cells as separate sets and joins them together.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: the display routine used in this script requires a terminal
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# An implementation of a "weave" maze generator. Weave mazes are those
# with passages that pass both over and under other passages. The
# technique used in this program was described to me by Robin Houston,
# and works by first decorating the blank grid with the over/under
# crossings, and then using Kruskal's algorithm to fill out the rest
# of the grid. (Kruskal's is very well-suited to this approach, since
# it treats the cells as separate sets and joins them together.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: the display routine used in this script requires a terminal
robinhouston / kruskal-weave-3.rb
Created March 31, 2011 09:49
A version of the algorithm that permits arbitrary clustering of crossings
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# An implementation of a "weave" maze generator. Weave mazes are those
# with passages that pass both over and under other passages. The
# technique used in this program was described to me by Robin Houston,
# and works by first decorating the blank grid with the over/under
# crossings, and then using Kruskal's algorithm to fill out the rest
# of the grid. (Kruskal's is very well-suited to this approach, since
# it treats the cells as separate sets and joins them together.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: the display routine used in this script requires a terminal
robinhouston / gist:948220
Created April 29, 2011 12:11
The number of perfect mazes on a 100×100 grid
2011-08-11T23:00:01 244
2011-08-12T01:00:01 249
2011-08-12T03:00:02 249
2011-08-12T05:00:01 249
2011-08-12T07:00:01 250
2011-08-12T09:00:02 260
2011-08-12T11:00:01 276
2011-08-12T13:00:01 295
2011-08-12T15:00:01 316
2011-08-12T17:00:02 495
robinhouston /
Created September 26, 2011 20:49
Mergesort implementation for
merge = (start, len1, len2) ->
# merge the slice [start, start+len1) with the slice [start+len1, start+len2)
i = start; j = start+len1
while i < j and j < start+len2
VA.insert(j++, i) if, i)
mergesort = (start, len) ->
# sort the slice [start, start+len)
VA.highlight([start ... start+len])