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Rob Sawyer robksawyer

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robksawyer / CustomSessionStorage
Created May 31, 2024 14:04
This is a custom session storage that is supposed to work with Supabase and the PostgreSQLSessionStorage module.
import { Session } from "@shopify/shopify-api/dist/auth/session";
import { PostgreSQLSessionStorage } from "@shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-postgresql";
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
// Supabase client setup
const supabaseUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL;
const supabaseKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY;
if (!supabaseUrl || !supabaseKey) {
throw new Error("Missing Supabase URL or key");
robksawyer / convertRequest.ts
Last active June 2, 2024 06:07
Shopify's authentication and utility libraries are designed to work with native Node.js IncomingMessage and ServerResponse objects. Since Next.js uses its own request and response objects, these conversions are necessary to bridge the gap. By implementing these conversion functions, you can ensure that your Next.js application seamlessly integra…
import { IncomingMessage } from "http";
import { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { Socket } from "net";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
export async function convertNextRequestToIncomingMessage(
request: NextRequest
): Promise<IncomingMessage> {
if (!request || typeof request !== "object") {
throw new Error("Invalid request object");
robksawyer / custom_shader_example.js
Created November 18, 2022 11:58 — forked from oskarbraten/custom_shader_example.js
A three.js custom shader example
"use strict";
class MyCustomMaterial extends THREE.ShaderMaterial {
// constructor takes appropriate parameters.
// Default values using object destructuring (ES6)
color = 0xffffff,
emissive = 0x000000,
robksawyer / random.jsx
Created November 16, 2022 16:07
Here's a clever/clean way to randomly position geometry.
function Noodle() {
const { viewport, camera } = useThree()
const { nodes } = useGLTF('/worms-transformed.glb')
const [geometry] = useState(() => nodes[`noodle_${Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4)}`].geometry)
const [speed] = useState(() => 0.1 + Math.random() / 10)
const position = useMemo(() => {
const z = Math.random() * -30
const bounds = viewport.getCurrentViewport(camera, [0, 0, z])
return [THREE.MathUtils.randFloatSpread(bounds.width), THREE.MathUtils.randFloatSpread(bounds.height * 0.75), z]
}, [viewport])
robksawyer / useFont.js
Created November 4, 2022 01:01
Simple helper to load a font with React Three Fiber
import { FontLoader } from 'three-stdlib';
import { useLoader } from '@react-three/fiber';
export const useFont = (src) => {
return useLoader(FontLoader, src);
robksawyer / useIsoLayoutEffect.js
Last active September 13, 2022 04:48
A hook for checking the scroll speed with smooth scrollbar.
* @file useIsoLayoutEffect.js
* Hook to suppress useLayoutEffect error on SSR.
import { useLayoutEffect, useEffect } from 'react';
const useIsoLayoutEffect =
typeof window !== 'undefined' ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect;
import * as THREE from 'three';
(function () {
'use strict';
var root = this;
var has_require = typeof require !== 'undefined';
// var THREE = root.THREE || (has_require && require('three'));
robksawyer / UnrealBloomPass.js
Created August 24, 2022 15:26
Unreal Bloom Pass with transparency.
import {
robksawyer / soap-bubble-frag.glsl
Created August 17, 2022 17:04
Soap bubble shader from (Bubbles on still soap (Blu blu))
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
#define SHADER_NAME ShaderMaterial
#define GAMMA_FACTOR 2
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )
robksawyer / rotation-example-slerp.js
Last active August 15, 2022 11:16
An example of how to convert Euler to Quaternions and use slerp for rotation.
// Rotations
const step = 'q1';
const cameraRotations = {
q1: {
x: 0.75,
y: 0,
z: 0,
q2A: {
x: -0,