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Kernel Dev'ing.

Robin Lambertz roblabla

Kernel Dev'ing.
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roblabla /
Created September 5, 2019 21:42
What am I doing with my life
//--- 010 Editor v9.0.2 Binary Template
// File:
// Authors:
// Version:
// Purpose:
// Category:
// File Mask:
// ID Bytes:
Magic: NCA3
Fixed-Key Signature: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Error: section 0 is corrupted!
Magic: NCA3
Fixed-Key Signature: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"name": "nxdbg",
"title_id": "01000000000000ff",
"main_thread_stack_size": "0x20000",
"main_thread_priority": 43,
"default_cpu_id": 3,
"process_category": 1,
"kernel_capabilities": [{
"type": "handle_table_size",
"value": 512
import gdb
class GetFrameSizesCommand(gdb.Command):
"""Gets the size of each frame, and of the whole stack.
Useful debugging tool to find out which functions have a fat stackframe.
def __init__(self):
#0 0x004cc3c2 in <storage_device::block::CachedBlockDevice<B> as storage_device::block::BlockDevice>::read (self=0x3000120c,
blocks=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x1ff948>, index=...)
at /home/roblabla/.cargo/git/checkouts/storage_device-c9f36e9aa2e70222/6ae2cad/src/
#1 0x00426012 in <sunrise_fs::interface::storage::StorageCachedBlockDevice<B> as storage_device::StorageDevice>::read (self=0x3000120c, offset=853504, buf=...)
at fs/src/interface/
#2 0x00426f43 in <sunrise_fs::interface::storage::StorageCachedBlockDevice<B> as sunrise_fs::interface::storage::IStorage>::read (self=0x3000120c,
offset=853504, buf=...) at fs/src/interface/
#3 0x0041ca9d in <sunrise_fs::interface::storage::PartitionStorage as sunrise_fs::interface::storage::IStorage>::read (self=0x30003810, offset=836096, buf=...)
at fs/src/interface/
#4 0x0041c5b3 in <sunrise_fs::interface::storage::PartitionStorage as storage_device::StorageDevi
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel - init - Calling main()
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel - init - Loading all the init processes
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel - init - Loading shell
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel::elf_loader - init - Loaded segment - VirtAddr 0x00400000, FileSize 0x0001f970, MemSize 0x0001f970 R X
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel::elf_loader - init - Loaded segment - VirtAddr 0x00420000, FileSize 0x001b3d74, MemSize 0x001b3d74 R
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel::elf_loader - init - Loaded segment - VirtAddr 0x005d4000, FileSize 0x0000194c, MemSize 0x00001950 RW
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel::elf_loader - init - Loaded segment - VirtAddr 0x005d6000, FileSize 0x00000000, MemSize 0x00001000 RW
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel::elf_loader - init - Entry point : 0x400000
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel - init - Loading time
[INFO] - sunrise_kernel::elf_loader - init - Loaded segment - VirtAddr 0x00400000, FileSize 0x0001f590, MemSize 0x0001f590 R X
"name": "hbloader",
"title_id": "0x0100152000022000",
"title_id_range_min": "0x0100152000022000",
"title_id_range_max": "0x0100152000022000",
"main_thread_stack_size": "0x100000",
"main_thread_priority": 44,
"default_cpu_id": 0,
"process_category": 0,
"pool_partition": 0,
Result __fastcall KMemoryBlockManager::CreateUserAddressSpace(KMemoryManager *this, AddressSpaceType addrspaceType, bool enableAslr, bool aslrDisabled, u64 *pageTable, unsigned __int64 addrspaceMinAddr, u64 addrspaceMaxAddr, MemoryRegion memregion, u64 addr, u64 size, KDynamicSlabAllocator *kMemoryBlockAllocator, KDynamicSlabAllocator *allocator2)
u64 endaddr; // x11
KMemoryManager *this2; // x19
bool v14; // cf
bool v15; // zf
signed __int64 new_map_region_size; // x17
signed __int64 tls_io_region_size; // x0
unsigned __int64 addr_space_size; // x8
signed __int64 tlsIoAndnewMapRegionEndAddr; // x9
//! ```cargo
//! [package]
//! edition = "2018"
//! [dependencies]
//! lz4-compression = "0.6"
//! lz4 = "1.23"
//! rand = "0.7"
//! indicatif = "0.11"
//! ```