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robsouth84 / $PS - pull all apks from adb
Created October 23, 2019 02:37
Some PowerShell one liners to pull apks from a Android device with adb
//find all apps NOT in /data and pull to current dir
$ adb shell "pm list packages -f | cut -d':' -F2 | cut -d'=' -F1 | grep apk$ " | ForEach-Object { adb pull $_ }
//find all apps NOT in /data && NOT in /vendor (likely no access) and pull to current dir
$ adb shell "pm list packages -f | cut -d':' -F2 | cut -d'=' -F1 | grep apk$ | grep -v ^\/vendor" | ForEach-Object { adb pull $_ }
//find all apps in /data and pull to current dir
//this will pull entire package folder not just apk. first this was out of convienience when parsing the strings, but turns out you get some intersting binaries along the way. see facebook for example
$ adb shell "pm list packages -f | cut -d':' -F2 | grep ^\/data | cut -sd 'base.apk' -F1 " | ForEach-Object { adb pull $_ }
//find all apps NOT in /data and pull to current dir
$ adb shell "pm list packages -f | cut -d':' -F2 | cut -d'=' -F1 | grep apk$ " | while read line; do adb pull $line; done
//find all apps NOT in /data && NOT in /vendor (likely no access) and pull to current dir
$ adb shell "pm list packages -f | cut -d':' -F2 | cut -d'=' -F1 | grep apk$ | grep -v ^\/vendor" | while read line; do adb pull $line; done
//find all apps in /data and pull to current dir
//this will pull entire package folder not just apk. first this was out of convienience when parsing the strings, but turns out you get some intersting binaries along the way. see facebook for example
$ adb shell "pm list packages -f | cut -d':' -F2 | grep ^\/data | cut -sd 'base.apk' -F1 " | while read line; do adb pull $line; done
# require functions
. ./
deleteGitIgnore $twrpImageDir
$ amixer sset 'Master' 50%
robsouth84 / streamurls
Created May 8, 2020 20:31
stream_urls = {
"christian hits": "",
"K Love": "",
"Ready FM": ";stream.mp3",
"Smile FM": "",
"reses ad": "",
"971 the tickiet": "",
##get the hw rev of rasp pi
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'Revisi'
open virsh shell::::
pc: $ virsh --connect qemu:///system
list virtual machines:::
#! /bin/bash
echo '## update..'
sudo apt-get update -y
echo '## intalling apache..'
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
echo '## intalling php..'
robsouth84 /
Created May 8, 2020 20:35
graylog install on fresh centos 7 install
## details found here:
### assumes fresh install of centos 7 minimal with pci security config
### also assumes running as either root OR user with sudoers access
########## install prereqs #####################
import time
import json
import subprocess
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase