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# Blog post at
module Teacher
def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
base.instance_eval do
def method_added(name)
module ParameterizedConcern
def extended(mod = nil, &block)
unless mod
@extended_block = block
mod.module_eval(&@extended_block) if @extended_block
I want to turn this into a programming contest. Everyone should do this using their favorite technique and language. But, I want to add three more challenges (that admittedly stack the deck in my favor).
1. create a stats collecting query decorate that measures the time it takes to execute the query
(assume you have a stats object that responds to #measure and takes a block: stats.measure { sleep 1.second }
2. read "configuration" from a hash like:
{ :timeout => 1.second, :stats => true }
that adds the timeout and stats decorators to the factory if present in the hash, otherwise not.
3. at the end write a program that REVERSES the order of the decorators. So if you did Timeout(Stats(Query)) make it Stats(Timeout(Query)). Note that you must do this programmatically so write a generic decorator reversing function. You may expand the proxy interface to have a method called "underlying", "delegate" or some such.
The contest is: do this in your language in as "elegant" a way as you like. The goal is clarity
module ParameterizedConcern
def extended(mod = nil, &block)
unless mod
@extended_block = block
mod.module_eval(&@extended_block) if @extended_block
I want to turn this into a programming contest. Everyone should do this using their favorite technique and language. But, I want to add three more challenges (that admittedly stack the deck in my favor).
1. create a stats collecting query decorate that measures the time it takes to execute the query
(assume you have a stats object that responds to #measure and takes a block: stats.measure { sleep 1.second }
2. read "configuration" from a hash like:
{ :timeout => 1.second, :stats => true }
that adds the timeout and stats decorators to the factory if present in the hash, otherwise not.
3. at the end write a program that REVERSES the order of the decorators. So if you did Timeout(Stats(Query)) make it Stats(Timeout(Query)). Note that you must do this programmatically so write a generic decorator reversing function. You may expand the proxy interface to have a method called "underlying", "delegate" or some such.
The contest is: do this in your language in as "elegant" a way as you like. The goal is clarity
I want to turn this into a programming contest. Everyone should do this using their favorite technique and language. But, I want to add three more challenges (that admittedly stack the deck in my favor).
1. create a stats collecting query decorate that measures the time it takes to execute the query
(assume you have a stats object that responds to #measure and takes a block: stats.measure { sleep 1.second }
2. read "configuration" from a hash like:
{ :timeout => 1.second, :stats => true }
that adds the timeout and stats decorators to the factory if present in the hash, otherwise not.
3. at the end write a program that REVERSES the order of the decorators. So if you did Timeout(Stats(Query)) make it Stats(Timeout(Query)). Note that you must do this programmatically so write a generic decorator reversing function. You may expand the proxy interface to have a method called "underlying", "delegate" or some such.
The contest is: do this in your language in as "elegant" a way as you like. The goal is clarity
module ParameterizedConcern
def extended(mod = nil, &block)
unless mod
@extended_block = block
mod.module_eval(&@extended_block) if @extended_block

2010 Modularity Olympics

This is a contest, open to programming languages from all nations, to write modular and extensible code to solve the following problem: Implement a service that can run queries on a database.

The Challenge

Sounds simple right? Wrong! A programmer without control over the source-code of that service must be able to later add enhancements such as statistics collecting, timeouts, memoization, and so forth. There are a few more requirements:

  1. the “enhancements” must be specified in a configuration object which is consumed at run-time (e.g., it could be based on user-input).
  2. The enhancements are ordered (stats collecting wraps timeouts, not the other way around) but it must be possible to reverse the order of the enhancements at run-time.
  3. The enhancements must be “surgical” and not “global”. That is, it must be possible to simultaneously have two query services, one reversed and one not reversed, and even have a query service without any enhancements.

2010 Modularity Olympics

This is a contest, open to programming languages from all nations, to write modular and extensible code to solve the following problem: Implement a service that can run queries on a database.

The Challenge

Sounds simple right? Wrong! A programmer without control over the source-code of that service must be able to later add enhancements such as statistics collecting, timeouts, memoization, and so forth. There are a few more requirements:

  1. the “enhancements” must be specified in a configuration object which is consumed at run-time (e.g., it could be based on user-input).
  2. The enhancements are ordered (stats collecting wraps timeouts, not the other way around) but it must be possible to reverse the order of the enhancements at run-time.
  3. The enhancements must be “surgical” and not “global”. That is, it must be possible to simultaneously have two query services, one reversed and one not reversed, and even have a query service without any enhancements.

2010 Modularity Olympics

This is a contest, open to programming languages from all nations, to write modular and extensible code to solve the following problem: Implement a service that can run queries on a database.

The Challenge

Sounds simple right? Wrong! A programmer without control over the source-code of that service must be able to later add enhancements such as statistics collecting, timeouts, memoization, and so forth. There are a few more requirements:

  1. the “enhancements” must be specified in a configuration object which is consumed at run-time (e.g., it could be based on user-input).
  2. The enhancements are ordered (stats collecting wraps timeouts, not the other way around) but it must be possible to reverse the order of the enhancements at run-time.
  3. The enhancements must be “surgical” and not “global”. That is, it must be possible to simultaneously have two query services, one reversed and one not reversed, and even have a query service without any enhancements.