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Rodolfo Izidoro rodolfoizidoro

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rodolfoizidoro /
Last active February 1, 2019 21:55
Lista de estudos nas férias . Importar no Chrome.
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MVVM with Kotlin — Android Architecture Components, Dagger 2, Retrofit and RxAndroid
30 summertime Android libraries and tools which you don’t want to miss in 2018
KeepSafe/TapTargetView An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery
Material Intro View is a showcase android library.
Modern background execution in Android
Dominando o Data Binding no Android https://pt.slideshare.
rodolfoizidoro / favoritos.html
Created December 22, 2018 03:23
Estudos Ferias
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
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It will be read and overwritten.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1489432446" LAST_MODIFIED="1545425521" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true">Barra de favoritos</H3>
class TestLiveData<T, Q> : TestLiveDataI<T, Q> {
val success = MutableLiveData<T>()
val loading = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
val error = Event<Q>()
override fun successLiveData(): LiveData<T> = success
override fun loadingLiveData(): LiveData<Boolean> = loading
override fun errorLiveData(): LiveData<Q> = error
interface MoviesView {
fun showProgress()
fun hideProgress()
fun showMovies(movies : List<Movie>)
fun showError(error : Throwable)
private val mMovies = MutableLiveData<List<Movies>>()
private val mLoading = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
private val mError = MutableLiveData<Thowable>()
val movies: LiveData<List<Movies>> get() = mMovies
val loading: LiveData<Boolean> get() = mLoading
val error: LiveData<Thowable> get() = mError
viewModel.movies.observe(this, Observer { list ->
rvMovies.adapter = MoviesAdapter(list) {
viewModel.progress.observe(this, Observer { visible ->
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
interface StateLiveData<R, E> {
fun observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, onSuccess: (R) -> Unit, onError: (E) -> Unit = {}, onLoading: (Boolean) -> Unit = {})
val loadingLiveData: LiveData<Boolean>
val successLiveData: LiveData<R>
val errorLiveData: LiveData<E>
class MovieListViewModel(private val repository: MovieRepository) : BaseViewModel() {
private val mMovies = StateMutableLiveData<List<Movie>, Throwable>()
val movies : StateLiveData<List<Movie>, Throwable> get() = mMovies
fun findMovies() {
jobs add launch {
mMovies.loading.value = true
try {
val response = repository.findMovies().await().results