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Created March 7, 2014 08:19
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Save rolaveric/9407509 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The result from building gopherjsIntroMain.go with GopherJS
"use strict";
(function() {
Error.stackTraceLimit = -1;
var go$reservedKeywords = ["abstract", "arguments", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "eval", "export", "extends", "false", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "function", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "let", "long", "native", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "volatile", "while", "with", "yield"];
var go$global;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
go$global = window;
} else if (typeof GLOBAL !== "undefined") {
go$global = GLOBAL;
var go$idCounter = 0;
var go$keys = function(m) { return m ? Object.keys(m) : []; };
var go$min = Math.min;
var go$parseInt = parseInt;
var go$parseFloat = parseFloat;
var go$toString = String;
var go$reflect, go$newStringPtr;
var Go$Array = Array;
var Go$Error = Error;
var go$floatKey = function(f) {
if (f !== f) {
return "NaN$" + go$idCounter;
return String(f);
var go$mapArray = function(array, f) {
var newArray = new array.constructor(array.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
newArray[i] = f(array[i]);
return newArray;
var go$newType = function(size, kind, string, name, pkgPath, constructor) {
var typ;
switch(kind) {
case "Bool":
case "Int":
case "Int8":
case "Int16":
case "Int32":
case "Uint":
case "Uint8" :
case "Uint16":
case "Uint32":
case "Uintptr":
case "String":
case "UnsafePointer":
typ = function(v) { this.go$val = v; };
typ.prototype.go$key = function() { return string + "$" + this.go$val; };
case "Float32":
case "Float64":
typ = function(v) { this.go$val = v; };
typ.prototype.go$key = function() { return string + "$" + go$floatKey(this.go$val); };
case "Int64":
typ = function(high, low) {
this.high = (high + Math.floor(Math.ceil(low) / 4294967296)) >> 0;
this.low = low >>> 0;
this.go$val = this;
typ.prototype.go$key = function() { return string + "$" + this.high + "$" + this.low; };
case "Uint64":
typ = function(high, low) {
this.high = (high + Math.floor(Math.ceil(low) / 4294967296)) >>> 0;
this.low = low >>> 0;
this.go$val = this;
typ.prototype.go$key = function() { return string + "$" + this.high + "$" + this.low; };
case "Complex64":
case "Complex128":
typ = function(real, imag) {
this.real = real;
this.imag = imag;
this.go$val = this;
typ.prototype.go$key = function() { return string + "$" + this.real + "$" + this.imag; };
case "Array":
typ = function(v) { this.go$val = v; };
typ.Ptr = go$newType(4, "Ptr", "*" + string, "", "", function(array) {
this.go$get = function() { return array; };
this.go$val = array;
typ.init = function(elem, len) {
typ.elem = elem;
typ.len = len;
typ.prototype.go$key = function() {
return string + "$" + go$mapArray(this.go$val, function(e) {
var key = e.go$key ? e.go$key() : String(e);
return key.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\$/g, "\\$");
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
rt.arrayType = new go$reflect.arrayType(rt, elem.reflectType(), undefined, len);
case "Chan":
typ = function() { this.go$val = this; };
typ.prototype.go$key = function() {
if (this.go$id === undefined) {
this.go$id = go$idCounter;
return String(this.go$id);
typ.init = function(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly) {
typ.nil = new typ();
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
rt.chanType = new go$reflect.chanType(rt, elem.reflectType(), sendOnly ? go$reflect.SendDir : (recvOnly ? go$reflect.RecvDir : go$reflect.BothDir));
case "Func":
typ = function(v) { this.go$val = v; };
typ.init = function(params, results, variadic) {
typ.params = params;
typ.results = results;
typ.variadic = variadic;
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
var typeSlice = (go$sliceType(go$ptrType(go$reflect.rtype)));
rt.funcType = new go$reflect.funcType(rt, variadic, new typeSlice(go$mapArray(params, function(p) { return p.reflectType(); })), new typeSlice(go$mapArray(results, function(p) { return p.reflectType(); })));
case "Interface":
typ = { implementedBy: [] };
typ.init = function(methods) {
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
var imethods = go$mapArray(methods, function(m) {
return new go$reflect.imethod(go$newStringPtr(m[0]), go$newStringPtr(m[1]), m[2].reflectType());
var methodSlice = (go$sliceType(go$ptrType(go$reflect.imethod)));
rt.interfaceType = new go$reflect.interfaceType(rt, new methodSlice(imethods));
case "Map":
typ = function(v) { this.go$val = v; };
typ.init = function(key, elem) {
typ.key = key;
typ.elem = elem;
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
rt.mapType = new go$reflect.mapType(rt, key.reflectType(), elem.reflectType(), undefined, undefined);
case "Ptr":
typ = constructor || function(getter, setter) {
this.go$get = getter;
this.go$set = setter;
this.go$val = this;
typ.prototype.go$key = function() {
if (this.go$id === undefined) {
this.go$id = go$idCounter;
return String(this.go$id);
typ.init = function(elem) {
typ.nil = new typ(go$throwNilPointerError, go$throwNilPointerError);
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
rt.ptrType = new go$reflect.ptrType(rt, elem.reflectType());
case "Slice":
var nativeArray;
typ = function(array) {
if (array.constructor !== nativeArray) {
array = new nativeArray(array);
this.array = array;
this.offset = 0;
this.length = array.length;
this.capacity = array.length;
this.go$val = this;
typ.make = function(length, capacity, zero) {
capacity = capacity || length;
var array = new nativeArray(capacity), i;
for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
array[i] = zero();
var slice = new typ(array);
slice.length = length;
return slice;
typ.init = function(elem) {
typ.elem = elem;
nativeArray = go$nativeArray(elem.kind);
typ.nil = new typ([]);
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
rt.sliceType = new go$reflect.sliceType(rt, elem.reflectType());
case "Struct":
typ = function(v) { this.go$val = v; };
typ.Ptr = go$newType(4, "Ptr", "*" + string, "", "", constructor);
typ.Ptr.Struct = typ;
typ.init = function(fields) {
var i;
typ.fields = fields;
// nil value
typ.Ptr.nil = new constructor();
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = fields[i];
Object.defineProperty(typ.Ptr.nil, field[1], { get: go$throwNilPointerError, set: go$throwNilPointerError });
// methods for embedded fields
for (i = 0; i < typ.methods.length; i++) {
var method = typ.methods[i];
if (method[5] != -1) {
(function(field, methodName) {
typ.prototype[methodName] = function() {
var v = this.go$val[field[0]];
return v[methodName].apply(v, arguments);
})(fields[method[5]], method[0]);
for (i = 0; i < typ.Ptr.methods.length; i++) {
var method = typ.Ptr.methods[i];
if (method[5] != -1) {
(function(field, methodName) {
typ.Ptr.prototype[methodName] = function() {
var v = this[field[0]];
if (v.go$val === undefined) {
v = new field[3](v);
return v[methodName].apply(v, arguments);
})(fields[method[5]], method[0]);
// map key
typ.prototype.go$key = function() {
var keys = new Array(fields.length);
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var v = this.go$val[fields[i][0]];
var key = v.go$key ? v.go$key() : String(v);
keys[i] = key.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\$/g, "\\$");
return string + "$" + keys.join("$");
// reflect type
typ.extendReflectType = function(rt) {
var reflectFields = new Array(fields.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = fields[i];
reflectFields[i] = new go$reflect.structField(go$newStringPtr(field[1]), go$newStringPtr(field[2]), field[3].reflectType(), go$newStringPtr(field[4]), i);
rt.structType = new go$reflect.structType(rt, new (go$sliceType(go$reflect.structField))(reflectFields));
throw go$panic(new Go$String("invalid kind: " + kind));
typ.kind = kind;
typ.string = string;
typ.typeName = name;
typ.pkgPath = pkgPath;
typ.methods = [];
var rt = null;
typ.reflectType = function() {
if (rt === null) {
rt = new go$reflect.rtype(size, 0, 0, 0, 0, go$reflect.kinds[kind], undefined, undefined, go$newStringPtr(string), undefined, undefined);
rt.jsType = typ;
var methods = [];
if (typ.methods !== undefined) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < typ.methods.length; i++) {
var m = typ.methods[i];
methods.push(new go$reflect.method(go$newStringPtr(m[0]), go$newStringPtr(m[1]), go$funcType(m[2], m[3], m[4]).reflectType(), go$funcType([typ].concat(m[2]), m[3], m[4]).reflectType(), undefined, undefined));
if (name !== "" || methods.length !== 0) {
var methodSlice = (go$sliceType(go$ptrType(go$reflect.method)));
rt.uncommonType = new go$reflect.uncommonType(go$newStringPtr(name), go$newStringPtr(pkgPath), new methodSlice(methods));
if (typ.extendReflectType !== undefined) {
return rt;
return typ;
var Go$Bool = go$newType( 1, "Bool", "bool", "bool", "", null);
var Go$Int = go$newType( 4, "Int", "int", "int", "", null);
var Go$Int8 = go$newType( 1, "Int8", "int8", "int8", "", null);
var Go$Int16 = go$newType( 2, "Int16", "int16", "int16", "", null);
var Go$Int32 = go$newType( 4, "Int32", "int32", "int32", "", null);
var Go$Int64 = go$newType( 8, "Int64", "int64", "int64", "", null);
var Go$Uint = go$newType( 4, "Uint", "uint", "uint", "", null);
var Go$Uint8 = go$newType( 1, "Uint8", "uint8", "uint8", "", null);
var Go$Uint16 = go$newType( 2, "Uint16", "uint16", "uint16", "", null);
var Go$Uint32 = go$newType( 4, "Uint32", "uint32", "uint32", "", null);
var Go$Uint64 = go$newType( 8, "Uint64", "uint64", "uint64", "", null);
var Go$Uintptr = go$newType( 4, "Uintptr", "uintptr", "uintptr", "", null);
var Go$Float32 = go$newType( 4, "Float32", "float32", "float32", "", null);
var Go$Float64 = go$newType( 8, "Float64", "float64", "float64", "", null);
var Go$Complex64 = go$newType( 8, "Complex64", "complex64", "complex64", "", null);
var Go$Complex128 = go$newType(16, "Complex128", "complex128", "complex128", "", null);
var Go$String = go$newType( 0, "String", "string", "string", "", null);
var Go$UnsafePointer = go$newType( 4, "UnsafePointer", "unsafe.Pointer", "Pointer", "", null);
var go$nativeArray = function(elemKind) {
return ({ Int: Int32Array, Int8: Int8Array, Int16: Int16Array, Int32: Int32Array, Uint: Uint32Array, Uint8: Uint8Array, Uint16: Uint16Array, Uint32: Uint32Array, Uintptr: Uint32Array, Float32: Float32Array, Float64: Float64Array })[elemKind] || Array;
var go$toNativeArray = function(elemKind, array) {
var nativeArray = go$nativeArray(elemKind);
if (nativeArray === Array) {
return array;
return new nativeArray(array);
var go$makeNativeArray = function(elemKind, length, zero) {
var array = new (go$nativeArray(elemKind))(length), i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = zero();
return array;
var go$arrayTypes = {};
var go$arrayType = function(elem, len) {
var string = "[" + len + "]" + elem.string;
var typ = go$arrayTypes[string];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Array", string, "", "", null);
typ.init(elem, len);
go$arrayTypes[string] = typ;
return typ;
var go$chanType = function(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly) {
var string = (recvOnly ? "<-" : "") + "chan" + (sendOnly ? "<- " : " ") + elem.string;
var field = sendOnly ? "SendChan" : (recvOnly ? "RecvChan" : "Chan");
var typ = elem[field];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Chan", string, "", "", null);
typ.init(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly);
elem[field] = typ;
return typ;
var go$funcTypes = {};
var go$funcType = function(params, results, variadic) {
var paramTypes = go$mapArray(params, function(p) { return p.string; });
if (variadic) {
paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1] = "..." + paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1].substr(2);
var string = "func(" + paramTypes.join(", ") + ")";
if (results.length === 1) {
string += " " + results[0].string;
} else if (results.length > 1) {
string += " (" + go$mapArray(results, function(r) { return r.string; }).join(", ") + ")";
var typ = go$funcTypes[string];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Func", string, "", "", null);
typ.init(params, results, variadic);
go$funcTypes[string] = typ;
return typ;
var go$interfaceTypes = {};
var go$interfaceType = function(methods) {
var string = "interface {}";
if (methods.length !== 0) {
string = "interface { " + go$mapArray(methods, function(m) {
return (m[1] !== "" ? m[1] + "." : "") + m[0] + m[2].string.substr(4);
}).join("; ") + " }";
var typ = go$interfaceTypes[string];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Interface", string, "", "", null);
go$interfaceTypes[string] = typ;
return typ;
var go$emptyInterface = go$interfaceType([]);
var go$interfaceNil = { go$key: function() { return "nil"; } };
var go$error = go$newType(8, "Interface", "error", "error", "", null);
go$error.init([["Error", "", go$funcType([], [Go$String], false)]]);
var Go$Map = function() {};
(function() {
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype), i;
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
Go$Map.prototype[names[i]] = undefined;
var go$mapTypes = {};
var go$mapType = function(key, elem) {
var string = "map[" + key.string + "]" + elem.string;
var typ = go$mapTypes[string];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Map", string, "", "", null);
typ.init(key, elem);
go$mapTypes[string] = typ;
return typ;
var go$throwNilPointerError = function() { go$throwRuntimeError("invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference"); };
var go$ptrType = function(elem) {
var typ = elem.Ptr;
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Ptr", "*" + elem.string, "", "", null);
elem.Ptr = typ;
return typ;
var go$sliceType = function(elem) {
var typ = elem.Slice;
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Slice", "[]" + elem.string, "", "", null);
elem.Slice = typ;
return typ;
var go$structTypes = {};
var go$structType = function(fields) {
var string = "struct { " + go$mapArray(fields, function(f) {
return f[1] + " " + f[3].string + (f[4] !== "" ? (' "' + f[4].replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"') : "");
}).join("; ") + " }";
var typ = go$structTypes[string];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = go$newType(0, "Struct", string, "", "", function() {
this.go$val = this;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
this[fields[i][0]] = arguments[i];
go$structTypes[string] = typ;
return typ;
var go$stringPtrMap = new Go$Map();
go$newStringPtr = function(str) {
if (str === undefined || str === "") {
return go$ptrType(Go$String).nil;
var ptr = go$stringPtrMap[str];
if (ptr === undefined) {
ptr = new (go$ptrType(Go$String))(function() { return str; }, function(v) { str = v; });
go$stringPtrMap[str] = ptr;
return ptr;
var go$newDataPointer = function(data, constructor) {
return new constructor(function() { return data; }, function(v) { data = v; });
var go$ldexp = function(frac, exp) {
if (frac === 0) { return frac; }
if (exp >= 1024) { return frac * Math.pow(2, 1023) * Math.pow(2, exp - 1023); }
if (exp <= -1024) { return frac * Math.pow(2, -1023) * Math.pow(2, exp + 1023); }
return frac * Math.pow(2, exp);
var go$float32bits = function(f) {
var s, e, r;
if (f === 0) {
if (f === 0 && 1 / f === 1 / -0) {
return 2147483648;
return 0;
if (f !== f) {
return 2143289344;
s = 0;
if (f < 0) {
s = 2147483648;
f = -f;
e = 150;
while (f >= 1.6777216e+07) {
f = f / 2;
if (e === 255) {
e = e + 1 >>> 0;
while (f < 8.388608e+06) {
e = e - 1 >>> 0;
if (e === 0) {
f = f * 2;
r = f % 2;
if ((r > 0.5 && r < 1) || r >= 1.5) {
return (((s | (e << 23 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((f >> 0) & ~8388608))) >>> 0;
var go$float32frombits = function(b) {
var s, e, m;
s = 1;
if (((b & 2147483648) >>> 0) !== 0) {
s = -1;
e = (((b >>> 23 >>> 0)) & 255) >>> 0;
m = (b & 8388607) >>> 0;
if (e === 255) {
if (m === 0) {
return s / 0;
return 0/0;
if (e !== 0) {
m = m + 8388608 >>> 0;
if (e === 0) {
e = 1;
return go$ldexp(m, e - 127 - 23) * s;
var go$flatten64 = function(x) {
return x.high * 4294967296 + x.low;
var go$shiftLeft64 = function(x, y) {
if (y === 0) {
return x;
if (y < 32) {
return new x.constructor(x.high << y | x.low >>> (32 - y), (x.low << y) >>> 0);
if (y < 64) {
return new x.constructor(x.low << (y - 32), 0);
return new x.constructor(0, 0);
var go$shiftRightInt64 = function(x, y) {
if (y === 0) {
return x;
if (y < 32) {
return new x.constructor(x.high >> y, (x.low >>> y | x.high << (32 - y)) >>> 0);
if (y < 64) {
return new x.constructor(x.high >> 31, (x.high >> (y - 32)) >>> 0);
if (x.high < 0) {
return new x.constructor(-1, 4294967295);
return new x.constructor(0, 0);
var go$shiftRightUint64 = function(x, y) {
if (y === 0) {
return x;
if (y < 32) {
return new x.constructor(x.high >>> y, (x.low >>> y | x.high << (32 - y)) >>> 0);
if (y < 64) {
return new x.constructor(0, x.high >>> (y - 32));
return new x.constructor(0, 0);
var go$mul64 = function(x, y) {
var high = 0, low = 0, i;
if ((y.low & 1) !== 0) {
high = x.high;
low = x.low;
for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
if ((y.low & 1<<i) !== 0) {
high += x.high << i | x.low >>> (32 - i);
low += (x.low << i) >>> 0;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if ((y.high & 1<<i) !== 0) {
high += x.low << i;
return new x.constructor(high, low);
var go$div64 = function(x, y, returnRemainder) {
if (y.high === 0 && y.low === 0) {
go$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero");
var s = 1;
var rs = 1;
var xHigh = x.high;
var xLow = x.low;
if (xHigh < 0) {
s = -1;
rs = -1;
xHigh = -xHigh;
if (xLow !== 0) {
xLow = 4294967296 - xLow;
var yHigh = y.high;
var yLow = y.low;
if (y.high < 0) {
s *= -1;
yHigh = -yHigh;
if (yLow !== 0) {
yLow = 4294967296 - yLow;
var high = 0, low = 0, n = 0, i;
while (yHigh < 2147483648 && ((xHigh > yHigh) || (xHigh === yHigh && xLow > yLow))) {
yHigh = (yHigh << 1 | yLow >>> 31) >>> 0;
yLow = (yLow << 1) >>> 0;
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
high = high << 1 | low >>> 31;
low = (low << 1) >>> 0;
if ((xHigh > yHigh) || (xHigh === yHigh && xLow >= yLow)) {
xHigh = xHigh - yHigh;
xLow = xLow - yLow;
if (xLow < 0) {
xLow += 4294967296;
if (low === 4294967296) {
low = 0;
yLow = (yLow >>> 1 | yHigh << (32 - 1)) >>> 0;
yHigh = yHigh >>> 1;
if (returnRemainder) {
return new x.constructor(xHigh * rs, xLow * rs);
return new x.constructor(high * s, low * s);
var go$divComplex = function(n, d) {
var ninf = n.real === 1/0 || n.real === -1/0 || n.imag === 1/0 || n.imag === -1/0;
var dinf = d.real === 1/0 || d.real === -1/0 || d.imag === 1/0 || d.imag === -1/0;
var nnan = !ninf && (n.real !== n.real || n.imag !== n.imag);
var dnan = !dinf && (d.real !== d.real || d.imag !== d.imag);
if(nnan || dnan) {
return new n.constructor(0/0, 0/0);
if (ninf && !dinf) {
return new n.constructor(1/0, 1/0);
if (!ninf && dinf) {
return new n.constructor(0, 0);
if (d.real === 0 && d.imag === 0) {
if (n.real === 0 && n.imag === 0) {
return new n.constructor(0/0, 0/0);
return new n.constructor(1/0, 1/0);
var a = Math.abs(d.real);
var b = Math.abs(d.imag);
if (a <= b) {
var ratio = d.real / d.imag;
var denom = d.real * ratio + d.imag;
return new n.constructor((n.real * ratio + n.imag) / denom, (n.imag * ratio - n.real) / denom);
var ratio = d.imag / d.real;
var denom = d.imag * ratio + d.real;
return new n.constructor((n.imag * ratio + n.real) / denom, (n.imag - n.real * ratio) / denom);
var go$subslice = function(slice, low, high, max) {
if (low < 0 || high < low || max < high || high > slice.capacity || max > slice.capacity) {
go$throwRuntimeError("slice bounds out of range");
var s = new slice.constructor(slice.array);
s.offset = slice.offset + low;
s.length = slice.length - low;
s.capacity = slice.capacity - low;
if (high !== undefined) {
s.length = high - low;
if (max !== undefined) {
s.capacity = max - low;
return s;
var go$sliceToArray = function(slice) {
if (slice.length === 0) {
return [];
if (slice.array.constructor !== Array) {
return slice.array.subarray(slice.offset, slice.offset + slice.length);
return slice.array.slice(slice.offset, slice.offset + slice.length);
var go$decodeRune = function(str, pos) {
var c0 = str.charCodeAt(pos);
if (c0 < 0x80) {
return [c0, 1];
if (c0 !== c0 || c0 < 0xC0) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
var c1 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
if (c1 !== c1 || c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (c0 < 0xE0) {
var r = (c0 & 0x1F) << 6 | (c1 & 0x3F);
if (r <= 0x7F) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
return [r, 2];
var c2 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 2);
if (c2 !== c2 || c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (c0 < 0xF0) {
var r = (c0 & 0x0F) << 12 | (c1 & 0x3F) << 6 | (c2 & 0x3F);
if (r <= 0x7FF) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (0xD800 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
return [r, 3];
var c3 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 3);
if (c3 !== c3 || c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (c0 < 0xF8) {
var r = (c0 & 0x07) << 18 | (c1 & 0x3F) << 12 | (c2 & 0x3F) << 6 | (c3 & 0x3F);
if (r <= 0xFFFF || 0x10FFFF < r) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
return [r, 4];
return [0xFFFD, 1];
var go$encodeRune = function(r) {
if (r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || (0xD800 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF)) {
r = 0xFFFD;
if (r <= 0x7F) {
return String.fromCharCode(r);
if (r <= 0x7FF) {
return String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | r >> 6, 0x80 | (r & 0x3F));
if (r <= 0xFFFF) {
return String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | r >> 12, 0x80 | (r >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r & 0x3F));
return String.fromCharCode(0xF0 | r >> 18, 0x80 | (r >> 12 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r & 0x3F));
var go$stringToBytes = function(str, terminateWithNull) {
var array = new Uint8Array(terminateWithNull ? str.length + 1 : str.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (terminateWithNull) {
array[str.length] = 0;
return array;
var go$bytesToString = function(slice) {
if (slice.length === 0) {
return "";
var str = "", i;
for (i = 0; i < slice.length; i += 10000) {
str += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, slice.array.subarray(slice.offset + i, slice.offset + Math.min(slice.length, i + 10000)));
return str;
var go$stringToRunes = function(str) {
var array = new Int32Array(str.length);
var rune, i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i += rune[1], j++) {
rune = go$decodeRune(str, i);
array[j] = rune[0];
return array.subarray(0, j);
var go$runesToString = function(slice) {
if (slice.length === 0) {
return "";
var str = "", i;
for (i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
str += go$encodeRune(slice.array[slice.offset + i]);
return str;
var go$needsExternalization = function(t) {
switch (t.kind) {
case "Int64":
case "Uint64":
case "Array":
case "Func":
case "Interface":
case "Map":
case "Slice":
case "String":
return true;
return false;
var go$externalize = function(v, t) {
switch (t.kind) {
case "Int64":
case "Uint64":
return go$flatten64(v);
case "Array":
if (go$needsExternalization(t.elem)) {
return go$mapArray(v, function(e) { return go$externalize(e, t.elem); });
return v;
case "Func":
if (v === go$throwNilPointerError) {
return null;
var convert = false;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) {
convert = convert || (t.params[i] !== go$packages[""].Object);
for (i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) {
convert = convert || go$needsExternalization(t.results[i]);
if (!convert) {
return v;
return function() {
var args = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) {
if (t.variadic && i === t.params.length - 1) {
var vt = t.params[i].elem, varargs = [], j;
for (j = i; j < arguments.length; j++) {
varargs.push(go$internalize(arguments[j], vt));
args.push(new (t.params[i])(varargs));
args.push(go$internalize(arguments[i], t.params[i]));
var result = v.apply(undefined, args);
switch (t.results.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return go$externalize(result, t.results[0]);
for (i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) {
result[i] = go$externalize(result[i], t.results[i]);
return result;
case "Interface":
if (v === null) {
return null;
if (v.constructor.kind === undefined) {
return v; // js.Object
return go$externalize(v.go$val, v.constructor);
case "Map":
var m = {};
var keys = go$keys(v), i;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var entry = v[keys[i]];
m[go$externalize(entry.k, t.key)] = go$externalize(entry.v, t.elem);
return m;
case "Slice":
if (go$needsExternalization(t.elem)) {
return go$mapArray(go$sliceToArray(v), function(e) { return go$externalize(e, t.elem); });
return go$sliceToArray(v);
case "String":
var s = "", r, i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < v.length; i += r[1], j++) {
r = go$decodeRune(v, i);
s += String.fromCharCode(r[0]);
return s;
case "Struct":
var timePkg = go$packages["time"];
if (timePkg && v.constructor === timePkg.Time.Ptr) {
var milli = go$div64(v.UnixNano(), new Go$Int64(0, 1000000));
return new Date(go$flatten64(milli));
return v;
return v;
var go$internalize = function(v, t, recv) {
switch (t.kind) {
case "Bool":
return !!v;
case "Int":
return parseInt(v);
case "Int8":
return parseInt(v) << 24 >> 24;
case "Int16":
return parseInt(v) << 16 >> 16;
case "Int32":
return parseInt(v) >> 0;
case "Uint":
return parseInt(v);
case "Uint8" :
return parseInt(v) << 24 >>> 24;
case "Uint16":
return parseInt(v) << 16 >>> 16;
case "Uint32":
case "Uintptr":
return parseInt(v) >>> 0;
case "Int64":
case "Uint64":
return new t(0, v);
case "Float32":
case "Float64":
return parseFloat(v);
case "Array":
if (v.length !== t.len) {
go$throwRuntimeError("got array with wrong size from JavaScript native");
return go$mapArray(v, function(e) { return go$internalize(e, t.elem); });
case "Func":
return function() {
var args = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) {
if (t.variadic && i === t.params.length - 1) {
var vt = t.params[i].elem, varargs = arguments[i], j;
for (j = 0; j < varargs.length; j++) {
args.push(go$externalize(varargs.array[varargs.offset + j], vt));
args.push(go$externalize(arguments[i], t.params[i]));
var result = v.apply(recv, args);
switch (t.results.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return go$internalize(result, t.results[0]);
for (i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) {
result[i] = go$internalize(result[i], t.results[i]);
return result;
case "Interface":
if (t === go$packages[""].Object) {
return v;
switch (v.constructor) {
case Int8Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Int8))(v);
case Int16Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Int16))(v);
case Int32Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Int))(v);
case Uint8Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Uint8))(v);
case Uint16Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Uint16))(v);
case Uint32Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Uint))(v);
case Float32Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Float32))(v);
case Float64Array:
return new (go$sliceType(Go$Float64))(v);
case Array:
return go$internalize(v, go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface));
case Boolean:
return new Go$Bool(!!v);
case Date:
var timePkg = go$packages["time"];
if (timePkg) {
return new timePkg.Time(timePkg.Unix(new Go$Int64(0, 0), new Go$Int64(0, v.getTime() * 1000000)));
case Function:
var funcType = go$funcType([go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface)], [go$packages[""].Object], true);
return new funcType(go$internalize(v, funcType));
case Number:
return new Go$Float64(parseFloat(v));
case Object:
var mapType = go$mapType(Go$String, go$emptyInterface);
return new mapType(go$internalize(v, mapType));
case String:
return new Go$String(go$internalize(v, Go$String));
return v;
case "Map":
var m = new Go$Map();
var keys = go$keys(v), i;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = go$internalize(keys[i], t.key);
m[key.go$key ? key.go$key() : key] = { k: key, v: go$internalize(v[keys[i]], t.elem) };
return m;
case "Slice":
return new t(go$mapArray(v, function(e) { return go$internalize(e, t.elem); }));
case "String":
v = String(v);
var s = "", i;
for (i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
s += go$encodeRune(v.charCodeAt(i));
return s;
return v;
var go$copySlice = function(dst, src) {
var n = Math.min(src.length, dst.length), i;
if (dst.array.constructor !== Array && n !== 0) {
dst.array.set(src.array.subarray(src.offset, src.offset + n), dst.offset);
return n;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dst.array[dst.offset + i] = src.array[src.offset + i];
return n;
var go$copyString = function(dst, src) {
var n = Math.min(src.length, dst.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dst.array[dst.offset + i] = src.charCodeAt(i);
return n;
var go$copyArray = function(dst, src) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
var go$growSlice = function(slice, length) {
var newCapacity = Math.max(length, slice.capacity < 1024 ? slice.capacity * 2 : Math.floor(slice.capacity * 5 / 4));
var newArray;
if (slice.array.constructor === Array) {
newArray = slice.array;
if (slice.offset !== 0 || newArray.length !== slice.offset + slice.capacity) {
newArray = newArray.slice(slice.offset);
newArray.length = newCapacity;
} else {
newArray = new slice.array.constructor(newCapacity);
var newSlice = new slice.constructor(newArray);
newSlice.length = slice.length;
newSlice.capacity = newCapacity;
return newSlice;
var go$append = function(slice) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return slice;
var newLength = slice.length + arguments.length - 1;
if (newLength > slice.capacity) {
slice = go$growSlice(slice, newLength);
var array = slice.array;
var leftOffset = slice.offset + slice.length - 1, i;
for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
array[leftOffset + i] = arguments[i];
var newSlice = new slice.constructor(array);
newSlice.offset = slice.offset;
newSlice.length = newLength;
newSlice.capacity = slice.capacity;
return newSlice;
var go$appendSlice = function(slice, toAppend) {
if (toAppend.length === 0) {
return slice;
var newLength = slice.length + toAppend.length;
if (newLength > slice.capacity) {
slice = go$growSlice(slice, newLength);
var array = slice.array;
var leftOffset = slice.offset + slice.length, rightOffset = toAppend.offset, i;
for (i = 0; i < toAppend.length; i++) {
array[leftOffset + i] = toAppend.array[rightOffset + i];
var newSlice = new slice.constructor(array);
newSlice.offset = slice.offset;
newSlice.length = newLength;
newSlice.capacity = slice.capacity;
return newSlice;
var go$panic = function(value) {
var message;
if (value.constructor === Go$String) {
message = value.go$val;
} else if (value.Error !== undefined) {
message = value.Error();
} else if (value.String !== undefined) {
message = value.String();
} else {
message = value;
var err = new Error(message);
err.go$panicValue = value;
return err;
var go$notSupported = function(feature) {
var err = new Error("not supported by GopherJS: " + feature);
err.go$notSupported = feature;
throw err;
var go$throwRuntimeError; // set by package "runtime"
var go$errorStack = [], go$jsErr = null;
var go$pushErr = function(err) {
if (err.go$panicValue === undefined) {
var jsPkg = go$packages[""];
if (err.go$notSupported !== undefined || jsPkg === undefined) {
go$jsErr = err;
err.go$panicValue = new jsPkg.Error.Ptr(err);
go$errorStack.push({ frame: go$getStackDepth(), error: err });
var go$callDeferred = function(deferred) {
if (go$jsErr !== null) {
throw go$jsErr;
var i;
for (i = deferred.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var call = deferred[i];
try {
if (call.recv !== undefined) {
call.recv[call.method].apply(call.recv, call.args);
}, call.args);
} catch (err) {
go$errorStack.push({ frame: go$getStackDepth(), error: err });
var err = go$errorStack[go$errorStack.length - 1];
if (err !== undefined && err.frame === go$getStackDepth()) {
throw err.error;
var go$recover = function() {
var err = go$errorStack[go$errorStack.length - 1];
if (err === undefined || err.frame !== go$getStackDepth()) {
return null;
return err.error.go$panicValue;
var go$getStack = function() {
return (new Error()).stack.split("\n");
var go$getStackDepth = function() {
var s = go$getStack(), d = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i].indexOf("go$") === -1) {
return d;
var go$interfaceIsEqual = function(a, b) {
if (a === null || b === null) {
return a === null && b === null;
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
return false;
switch (a.constructor.kind) {
case "Float32":
return go$float32IsEqual(a.go$val, b.go$val);
case "Complex64":
return go$float32IsEqual(a.go$val.real, b.go$val.real) && go$float32IsEqual(a.go$val.imag, b.go$val.imag);
case "Complex128":
return a.go$val.real === b.go$val.real && a.go$val.imag === b.go$val.imag;
case "Int64":
case "Uint64":
return a.go$val.high === b.go$val.high && a.go$val.low === b.go$val.low;
case "Array":
return go$arrayIsEqual(a.go$val, b.go$val);
case "Ptr":
if (a.constructor.Struct) {
return a === b;
return go$pointerIsEqual(a, b);
case "Func":
case "Map":
case "Slice":
case "Struct":
go$throwRuntimeError("comparing uncomparable type " + a.constructor);
case undefined: // js.Object
return a === b;
return a.go$val === b.go$val;
var go$float32IsEqual = function(a, b) {
return a === a && b === b && go$float32bits(a) === go$float32bits(b);
var go$arrayIsEqual = function(a, b) {
if (a.length != b.length) {
return false;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
var go$sliceIsEqual = function(a, ai, b, bi) {
return a.array === b.array && a.offset + ai === b.offset + bi;
var go$pointerIsEqual = function(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (a.go$get === go$throwNilPointerError || b.go$get === go$throwNilPointerError) {
return a.go$get === go$throwNilPointerError && b.go$get === go$throwNilPointerError;
var old = a.go$get();
var dummy = new Object();
var equal = b.go$get() === dummy;
return equal;
var go$typeAssertionFailed = function(obj, expected) {
var got = "";
if (obj !== null) {
got = obj.constructor.string;
throw go$panic(new go$packages["runtime"].TypeAssertionError.Ptr("", got, expected.string, ""));
var go$now = function() { var msec = (new Date()).getTime(); return [new Go$Int64(0, Math.floor(msec / 1000)), (msec % 1000) * 1000000]; };
var go$packages = {};
go$packages["runtime"] = (function() {
var go$pkg = {}, TypeAssertionError, errorString, sizeof_C_MStats;
TypeAssertionError = go$pkg.TypeAssertionError = go$newType(0, "Struct", "runtime.TypeAssertionError", "TypeAssertionError", "runtime", function(interfaceString_, concreteString_, assertedString_, missingMethod_) {
this.go$val = this;
this.interfaceString = interfaceString_ !== undefined ? interfaceString_ : "";
this.concreteString = concreteString_ !== undefined ? concreteString_ : "";
this.assertedString = assertedString_ !== undefined ? assertedString_ : "";
this.missingMethod = missingMethod_ !== undefined ? missingMethod_ : "";
errorString = go$pkg.errorString = go$newType(0, "String", "runtime.errorString", "errorString", "runtime", null);
TypeAssertionError.Ptr.prototype.RuntimeError = function() {
TypeAssertionError.prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return this.go$val.RuntimeError(); };
TypeAssertionError.Ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var e, inter;
e = this;
inter = e.interfaceString;
if (inter === "") {
inter = "interface";
if (e.concreteString === "") {
return "interface conversion: " + inter + " is nil, not " + e.assertedString;
if (e.missingMethod === "") {
return "interface conversion: " + inter + " is " + e.concreteString + ", not " + e.assertedString;
return "interface conversion: " + e.concreteString + " is not " + e.assertedString + ": missing method " + e.missingMethod;
TypeAssertionError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.go$val.Error(); };
errorString.prototype.RuntimeError = function() {
var e;
e = this.go$val;
go$ptrType(errorString).prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return new errorString(this.go$get()).RuntimeError(); };
errorString.prototype.Error = function() {
var e;
e = this.go$val;
return "runtime error: " + e;
go$ptrType(errorString).prototype.Error = function() { return new errorString(this.go$get()).Error(); };
go$throwRuntimeError = function(msg) { throw go$panic(new errorString(msg)); };
go$pkg.init = function() {
(go$ptrType(TypeAssertionError)).methods = [["Error", "", [], [Go$String], false, -1], ["RuntimeError", "", [], [], false, -1]];
TypeAssertionError.init([["interfaceString", "interfaceString", "runtime", Go$String, ""], ["concreteString", "concreteString", "runtime", Go$String, ""], ["assertedString", "assertedString", "runtime", Go$String, ""], ["missingMethod", "missingMethod", "runtime", Go$String, ""]]);
errorString.methods = [["Error", "", [], [Go$String], false, -1], ["RuntimeError", "", [], [], false, -1]];
(go$ptrType(errorString)).methods = [["Error", "", [], [Go$String], false, -1], ["RuntimeError", "", [], [], false, -1]];
sizeof_C_MStats = 3712;
if (!((sizeof_C_MStats === 3712))) {
console.log(sizeof_C_MStats, 3712);
throw go$panic(new Go$String("MStats vs MemStatsType size mismatch"));
return go$pkg;
go$packages[""] = (function() {
var go$pkg = {}, Object, Error;
Object = go$pkg.Object = go$newType(0, "Interface", "js.Object", "Object", "", null);
Error = go$pkg.Error = go$newType(0, "Struct", "js.Error", "Error", "", function(Object_) {
this.go$val = this;
this.Object = Object_ !== undefined ? Object_ : null;
Error.Ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var err;
err = this;
return "JavaScript error: " + go$internalize(err.Object.message, Go$String);
Error.prototype.Error = function() { return this.go$val.Error(); };
go$pkg.init = function() {
Object.init([["Bool", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$Bool], false))], ["Call", "", (go$funcType([Go$String, (go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true))], ["Float", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$Float64], false))], ["Get", "", (go$funcType([Go$String], [Object], false))], ["Index", "", (go$funcType([Go$Int], [Object], false))], ["Int", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$Int], false))], ["Interface", "", (go$funcType([], [go$emptyInterface], false))], ["Invoke", "", (go$funcType([(go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true))], ["IsNull", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$Bool], false))], ["IsUndefined", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$Bool], false))], ["Length", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$Int], false))], ["New", "", (go$funcType([(go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true))], ["Set", "", (go$funcType([Go$String, go$emptyInterface], [], false))], ["SetIndex", "", (go$funcType([Go$Int, go$emptyInterface], [], false))], ["String", "", (go$funcType([], [Go$String], false))]]);
Error.methods = [["Bool", "", [], [Go$Bool], false, 0], ["Call", "", [Go$String, (go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true, 0], ["Float", "", [], [Go$Float64], false, 0], ["Get", "", [Go$String], [Object], false, 0], ["Index", "", [Go$Int], [Object], false, 0], ["Int", "", [], [Go$Int], false, 0], ["Interface", "", [], [go$emptyInterface], false, 0], ["Invoke", "", [(go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true, 0], ["IsNull", "", [], [Go$Bool], false, 0], ["IsUndefined", "", [], [Go$Bool], false, 0], ["Length", "", [], [Go$Int], false, 0], ["New", "", [(go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true, 0], ["Set", "", [Go$String, go$emptyInterface], [], false, 0], ["SetIndex", "", [Go$Int, go$emptyInterface], [], false, 0], ["String", "", [], [Go$String], false, 0]];
(go$ptrType(Error)).methods = [["Bool", "", [], [Go$Bool], false, 0], ["Call", "", [Go$String, (go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true, 0], ["Error", "", [], [Go$String], false, -1], ["Float", "", [], [Go$Float64], false, 0], ["Get", "", [Go$String], [Object], false, 0], ["Index", "", [Go$Int], [Object], false, 0], ["Int", "", [], [Go$Int], false, 0], ["Interface", "", [], [go$emptyInterface], false, 0], ["Invoke", "", [(go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true, 0], ["IsNull", "", [], [Go$Bool], false, 0], ["IsUndefined", "", [], [Go$Bool], false, 0], ["Length", "", [], [Go$Int], false, 0], ["New", "", [(go$sliceType(go$emptyInterface))], [Object], true, 0], ["Set", "", [Go$String, go$emptyInterface], [], false, 0], ["SetIndex", "", [Go$Int, go$emptyInterface], [], false, 0], ["String", "", [], [Go$String], false, 0]];
Error.init([["Object", "", "", Object, ""]]);
return go$pkg;
go$packages[""] = (function() {
var go$pkg = {}, Pet, New;
Pet = go$pkg.Pet = go$newType(0, "Struct", "pet.Pet", "Pet", "", function(name_) {
this.go$val = this; = name_ !== undefined ? name_ : "";
Pet.Ptr.prototype.Name = function() {
var p;
p = this;
Pet.prototype.Name = function() { return this.go$val.Name(); };
Pet.Ptr.prototype.SetName = function(newName) {
var p;
p = this; = newName;
Pet.prototype.SetName = function(newName) { return this.go$val.SetName(newName); };
New = go$pkg.New = function(name) {
return new Pet.Ptr(name);
go$pkg.init = function() {
(go$ptrType(Pet)).methods = [["Name", "", [], [Go$String], false, -1], ["SetName", "", [Go$String], [], false, -1]];
Pet.init([["name", "name", "", Go$String, ""]]);
return go$pkg;
go$packages["C:\GoCode\src\\rolaveric\gopherjs"] = (function() {
var go$pkg = {}, js = go$packages[""], pet = go$packages[""], main;
main = go$pkg.main = function() {
var _map, _key;
go$ = go$externalize((_map = new Go$Map(), _key = "New", _map[_key] = { k: _key, v: new (go$funcType([Go$String], [(go$ptrType(pet.Pet))], false))(pet.New) }, _map), (go$mapType(Go$String, go$emptyInterface)));
go$pkg.init = function() {
return go$pkg;
go$error.implementedBy = [go$packages[""].Error.Ptr, go$packages["runtime"].TypeAssertionError.Ptr, go$packages["runtime"].errorString, go$ptrType(go$packages["runtime"].errorString)];
go$packages[""].Object.implementedBy = [go$packages[""].Error, go$packages[""].Error.Ptr];
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