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Rondy Sousa rondy

  • Plataformatec
  • São Paulo, SP
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rondy / gist:2819263
Created May 28, 2012 13:42 — forked from cassiomarques/gist:2819167
Display your routes right at Rails Console, instead of waiting for rake to load your app
# This is part of my .pryrc.
# I put this at the section where I load Rails stuff, so I can use Pry instead of IRB
# for my Rails Console sessions
# Once this is loaded, just run the display_routes method from the console to see the same output that rake routes displays.
# I think it's better because I always leave a Rails console session running :)
require 'rails/application/route_inspector'
rondy / credential.rb
Created April 26, 2012 20:46 — forked from RStankov/credential.rb
Sample code from my Using OO to Manage Control Flow post
class Credential
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :screen_name, :oauth_token, :oauth_secret, :token, :description
validates_presence_of :screen_name, :oauth_token, :oauth_secret, :message => 'required'
validate :user_exists, :unless => :errors?
def initialize(attributes = {})
attributes.each { |k, v| set_recognized_attribute(k, v) }
rondy / 01_usage.markdown
Created April 21, 2012 20:50
Michealis Dictionary
$ michaelis ruby
Michealis Dictionary
Translate: ruby (ingles-portugues)

 n 1 Min rubi, rubim. 2 cor do rubi. 3 algo semelhante ao rubi em cor como: vinho tinto, carbúnculo, sangue. 4 Typogr tipo de corpo 5 1/2. • vt ruborizar. • adj da cor do rubi, vermelho-vivo.
rondy / README.txt
Created April 14, 2012 14:39
Rails Assert pipeline changes for controller-specific assets
By default, Rails 3.2 loads everything in app/javascripts and everything in app/stylesheets on
every page, despite controller-specific file naming. If you want to load controller-specific
files only on views from their respective controllers, you need to change the manifests and the
layout. The basic idea is to NOT require the entire trees, but only specific subfolders, in the
manifests, and then load the controller-specific files separately in the layout.
Any file you DO want loaded on every page should be placed in app/assets/javascripts/general or
For this to work in production, you also need to ensure that the individual files are precompiled by modifying your production.rb file, listing all of the controller-specific files.
:select => ", articles.title,",
:joins => "INNER JOIN slugs
ON slugs.sluggable_type = 'Article' AND
slugs.sluggable_id = AND = (SELECT id
FROM slugs
WHERE slugs.sluggable_type = 'Article' AND
slugs.sluggable_id =
ORDER BY slugs.created_at DESC
rondy / paginator.rb
Created October 26, 2011 21:08
Paginator for Enumerable
class Paginator
attr_reader :page
attr_reader :per_page
def paginate(collection, options={})
require "active_support/inflector"
module Modularizable
def modularize(target, params={})
ancestors = params[:in] || []
ancestors << target
ancestors.collect { |item| item.to_s.camelize }.join("::").constantize
module WhereOr
def where_or(*scopes)
conditions = scopes.inject(self) { |scoped, scope| scoped.send(scope) }
conditions = { |where_value| where_value.respond_to?(:to_sql) ? where_value.to_sql : where_value }
conditions = conditions.join(" OR ")
ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, self
module HasStatuses
def has_statuses(*statuses)
self.const_set "Statuses",
statuses.each { |status| self::Statuses.const_set status.to_s.upcase, status }
self.const_set "ALL_STATUSES", self::Statuses.constants.collect { |constant| self::Statuses.const_get(constant) }
Object.send :extend, self
module ActsAsClassMethod
unless respond_to? :metaclass
define_method :metaclass do
class << self; self; end
def acts_as_class_method(*methods)
methods.each do |method|