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ronnyfm / sml.html
Created September 11, 2012 16:54 — forked from THEtheChad/sml.html
{% partial name:'media_data' %}
{% editable_setting GDS type:'string' default:'' %}
{% contest name:'test' %}
var temp = [
/*{% paginate contest.contest_entries per_page:9999 keywords:filters %}*/
// total: {{total_entries}}
{% for media in contest_entries %}
ronnyfm / AEM cURL
Created June 28, 2016 04:58 — forked from joemaffia/AEM cURL
AEM cURL commands
Uninstall a bundle (use http://localhost:4505/system/console/bundles to access the Apache Felix web console)
curl -u admin:admin -daction=uninstall http://localhost:4505/system/console/bundles/"name of bundle"
Install a bundle
curl -u admin:admin -F action=install -F bundlestartlevel=20 -F
bundlefile=@"name of jar.jar" http://localhost:4505/system/console/bundles
Build a bundle
curl -u admin:admin -F bundleHome=/apps/centrica/bundles/name of bundle -F