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"62870901": {
"DescriptionGXT": "WTD_SNOWLNCHR",
"Name": "Snowball Launcher",
"Description": "There's no greater gift than pummeling someone with rounds of festive cheer. With automatic reload, there's no time for anyone to disagree. Part of The Chop Shop.",
"Group": "GROUP_HEAVY",
"ModelHashKey": "W_LR_CompactSL_M32",
"DefaultClipSize": 20,
0x7FEAD38B326B9F74 (GET_PED_AMMO_TYPE_FROM_WEAPON) returns the current ammo type (means MK2 weapon magazines change the returned value)
0xF489B44DD5AF4BD9 (_GET_PED_AMMO_TYPE_FROM_WEAPON_2) returns the base ammo type
enum eAmmoType
AMMO_PISTOL = 0x743D4F54,
AMMO_SMG = 0x6C7D23B8,
AMMO_RIFLE = 0xD05319F,
// Model Name
// Spawn Positions
1992.183, 3046.28, 47.125
120.38, -1297.669, 28.705
79.293, 3704.578, 40.945
2937.738, 5325.846, 100.176
727.153, 4189.818, 40.476
-103.14, 369.008, 112.267
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_pogo | Position: -2557.405, 2315.502, 33.742 | Rotation: -72.501, 79.501, -150.871
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: 2487.128, 3759.327, 42.317 | Rotation: 0, 0, -108.4
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: 457.198, 5573.861, 780.184 | Rotation: 0, 0, -66.201
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: -1280.407, 2549.743, 17.534 | Rotation: 0, 0, 179.599
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: -107.722, -856.981, 38.261 | Rotation: 0, 0, -36.002
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: -1050.513, -522.612, 36.634 | Rotation: -24.634, 101.263, -178.531
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: 693.306, 1200.583, 344.524 | Rotation: 0, 0, -142.331
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: 2500.654, -389.482, 94.245 | Rotation: 0, 0, 86.069
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_alien | Position: 483.4, -3110.621, 6.627 | Rotation: 0, 0, 62.869
Model: vw_prop_vw_colle_imporage | Position: -2169.277, 5192.986, 16.295 | Rotation: -77.337, 0, 62.869
Model: prop_peyote_highland_02 | Position: 171.4769, -1925.586, 20.156 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_01 | Position: -234.541, -1516.663, 31.296 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_02 | Position: -213.5869, 6455.24, 30.329 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_01 | Position: 327.064, 6430.808, 30.097 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_01 | Position: 2268.018, 4597.53, 34.175 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_01 | Position: 3102.362, 6034.412, 122.219 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_02 | Position: -35.2434, 2868.4, 58.4023 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_02 | Position: 1733.005, 3850.126, 33.874 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_01 | Position: 340.023, 3565.621, 32.491 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Heading: 0
Model: prop_peyote_highland_01 | Position: -1858.733, 4806.635, 1.969 | Rotation: 0, 0, 0 | Headin
// Model Name
// Spawn Positions
1006.372, -2881.68, 30.422
-980.242, -2637.703, 88.528
-688.195, -1399.329, 23.331
1120.696, -1539.165, 54.871
2455.134, -382.585, 112.635
793.878, -717.299, 48.083
function getUserInputAsync(options) {
const {
title = "", // Title shown on the input box
defaultText = "", // Default value of the input box
maxLength = 32, // Obvious enough, maximum length of the input
showMaxLength = false, // If true, will display max length on title
trimResult = true, // Removes whitespace from the player's input
rejectIfEmpty = true, // If true, empty input causes promise rejection instead of resolving with an empty string
timeout = 0 // If higher than 0, input box will close & promise will be rejected with the reason "timeout" if the player fails to write something in specified milliseconds.
} = options || {};
Model: sum_prop_ac_wifaaward_01a | Position: 94.202, -1294.965, 29.067 | Rotation: 0, 0, 162.199
Model: sum_Prop_AC_FilmReel_01a | Position: -1010.051, -502.175, 36.493 | Rotation: 70.469, 65.317, 144.253
Model: sum_Prop_AC_AlienHead_01a | Position: 2517.254, 3789.326, 53.698 | Rotation: 0, 1, -93.347
Model: sum_Prop_AC_Clapperboard_01a | Position: -2349.036, 3270.785, 32.968 | Rotation: 84.5331, -12.007, 45.9
Model: sum_Prop_AC_HeadDress_01a | Position: 1165.416, 247.5531, -50.73 | Rotation: -23.469, -91.781, 171.343
Model: sum_Prop_AC_MummyHead_01a | Position: -41.795, 2873.231, 59.625 | Rotation: 0, 0, 56.998
Model: sum_Prop_AC_MonsterMask_01a | Position: -1169.573, 4926.988, 223.7279 | Rotation: -4.274, 0, 84.998
// Possible van spawns, not confirmed
Model: REBEL | Position: -290.654, 6303.431, 30.492 | Heading: 115.0
-95.2155, 6395.659, 30.452
1665.939, 4970.212, 41.2591
2647.317, 4255.757, 43.7764
1434.347, 3662.849, 33.1201
857.869, 2849.551, 56.575
-1901.913, 2055.253, 139.6933
2310.338, 2542.258, 45.6677
-2230.174, 4225.861, 45.7994
-2952.948, 408.6126, 14.1516
1909.135, 573.2956, 174.8217