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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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YouTube Cinema Mode - Alternative Top Bar Behavior
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Cinema Mode - Alternative Top Bar Behavior
// @description Improves the YouTube experience by maximizing video player real-estate and fixing some common annoyances.
// @license MIT
// @match*
// @version 0.1.12
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @require
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
// Main Operations
// Detect the type of YouTube page loaded
var isWatchPage = location.href.indexOf("") === 0;
// Start or install operation handlers
$(document).on("ready", onDocumentEnd);
$(window).on("load", onWindowLoad);
// Operations that are run as early as possible during page load
function onDocumentStart()
if (isWatchPage)
// Operations that run when DOMContentLoaded event is fired
function onDocumentEnd()
if (isWatchPage)
// Operations that run when window is loaded (after YouTube scripts are run)
function onWindowLoad()
if (isWatchPage)
setTimeout(switchPlayerToTheaterMode, 2000);
// Methods
// Ensure unsafeWindow object is available both in firefox and chrome
function installUnsafewindowPolyfill()
if (typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined')
if (typeof XPCNativeWrapper === 'function' && typeof XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap === 'function')
unsafeWindow = XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(window);
else if (window.wrappedJSObject)
unsafeWindow = window.wrappedJSObject;
// Disable SPF (Structured Page Fragments), which prevents properly attaching to page load events when navigation occurs
// Will also disable the red loading bar.
function disableSPF()
if (unsafeWindow._spf_state && unsafeWindow._spf_state.config)
unsafeWindow._spf_state.config['navigate-limit'] = 0;
unsafeWindow._spf_state.config['navigate-part-received-callback'] = function (targetUrl) { location.href = targetUrl; }
setTimeout(disableSPF, 50);
// Disable matchMedia - allow proper resizing of the video player and its contents.
function disableMatchMedia()
window.matchMedia = undefined;
// Add full-size player page stylesheet (works correctly only in theater mode).
function installFullSizePlayerStylesheet()
"<style type='text/css'>" +
"body { overflow-x: hidden !important; overflow-y: scroll !important; }" +
"#masthead-positioner-height-offset { display: none }" +
"#masthead-positioner { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out; }" +
".player-width { width: 100% !important; margin: 0px !important; left: 0px !important; right: 0px !important; }" +
".player-height { height: 100vh !important; }" +
// Switch player to theater mode if in default mode.
function switchPlayerToTheaterMode()
if ($("div#page").hasClass("watch-non-stage-mode"))
$("button.ytp-size-button, div.ytp-size-toggle-large").click();
// Auto shows/hides the top bar when mouse enters/leaves (for use with watch pages).
function installTopBarAutohide()
var topBar = $("#masthead-positioner");
var videoPlayer = $('video.html5-main-video');
var videoPlayerElement = videoPlayer[0];
function showTopBar()
topBar.css("visibility", "visible");
topBar.css("opacity", "1");
function hideTopBar()
topBar.css("opacity", "0");
topBar.css("visibility", "hidden");
//setTimeout(function () { topBar.css("visibility", "hidden"); }, 200);
function getScrollTop()
return $(document).scrollTop();
function onVideoPlay()
if (getScrollTop() === 0)
function onVideoPause()
function onPageScroll()
if (getScrollTop() > 0 || videoPlayerElement.paused)
//if (videoPlayerElement.paused)
// onVideoPause();
// onVideoPlay();
videoPlayer.on("pause", onVideoPause);
videoPlayer.on("play", onVideoPlay);
$(document).on("scroll", onPageScroll);
// Expands video description
function expandVideoDescription()
// Pauses playing videos in other tabs when a video play event is detected (works in both watch and channel page videos)
function installPlayerAutoPause()
// Note: the channel page has another hidden video except the main one (if it exists). The hidden video doesn't have an "src" attribute.
var videoPlayer = $('video.html5-main-video').filter(function (index) { return $(this).attr("src") !== undefined});
if (videoPlayer.length === 0)
//console.log("Player not found, retrying in 100ms..");
setTimeout(installPlayerAutoPause, 100);
var videoPlayerElement = videoPlayer.get(0);
// Generate a random script instance ID
var instanceID = Math.random().toString();
function onVideoPlay()
console.log("play event triggered");
unsafeWindow.localStorage["FullSizeYouTubePlayer_PlayingInstanceID"] = instanceID;
function pauseWhenAnotherPlayerStartsPlaying()
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage["FullSizeYouTubePlayer_PlayingInstanceID"] !== instanceID)
setTimeout(pauseWhenAnotherPlayerStartsPlaying, 10);
// If video isn't paused on startup, fire the handler immediately
if (!videoPlayerElement.paused)
// Add event handler for the "play" event.
videoPlayer.on("play", onVideoPlay);
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