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import { IEnhancer, IObservableArray, IObservableDecorator, IObservableMapInitialValues, IObservableObject, IObservableValue, ObservableMap } from "../internal";
export declare type CreateObservableOptions = {
name?: string;
deep?: boolean;
defaultDecorator?: IObservableDecorator;
proxy?: boolean;
export declare const defaultCreateObservableOptions: CreateObservableOptions;
export declare function asCreateObservableOptions(thing: any): CreateObservableOptions;
export declare const deepDecorator: IObservableDecorator;
rottenoats / Method in ClassLoader that fails
Created June 30, 2018 08:23
Monolog Streamhandler Write Method (line 18 is where it fails and throws exception)
* Scope isolated include.
* Prevents access to $this/self from included files.
function includeFile($file)
include $file;