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nscache 65536
timeouts 1 5 30 60 180 1800 15 60
# http(s)
#auth none
auth strong
rruu / gist:8e9c2ef716ce1e19e002ced06fa2d284
Created April 17, 2016 20:36
triplepoint commented on Mar 6
If anyone wants to get your hands dirty on this, I got the updated libao code installing with a modified homebrew "formula" for libao, and I can verify that pianobar stopped giving the Carbon warnings.
Given that libao hasn't cut an official versioned release, I doubt that homebrew would want to bump their official libao release to some random commit - but in any event, I got it working locally, and so far so good.
Here's what I did:
Modify /usr/local/Library/Formula/libao.rb to have this content:
class Libao < Formula
desc "Cross-platform Audio Library"
rruu / gist:cb613fc4208b1a2904ca
Created June 29, 2015 18:31
3proxy.cfg socks5 without auth
daemon # запускать как демон
auth none # без авторизации
log /dev/null # не вести логи
allow * * * * # разрешить все порты
proxy -n -p9999 # ожидать подключения на 9999 порту
ID (region_id) Region
3 San Francisco 1
4 New York 2
5 Amsterdam 2
6 Singapore 1
7 London 1
8 New York 3
9 Amsterdam 3
10 Frankfurt 1