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Created August 19, 2020 23:34
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Programming Questions A
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"# nth Fibonacci Number"
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"The $n$th Fibonacci number is recursively defined as:\n",
" f(n) = \\begin{cases}\n",
" 0 & n = 0\\\\\n",
" 1 & n = 1\\\\\n",
" f(n-1) + f(n-2) & \\text{otherwise}\n",
" \\end{cases}\n",
" \n",
"Write an $O(n)$ time recursive function that returns the nth Fibonacci number. Hint: $O(n)$ space as well.\n",
"## Solution\n",
"Basically, implement the definition, but with a global table at which we store the $n$th Fibonacci number. This lookup table makes the algorithm run in time $O(n)$, as we fill in a missing value in the table once, and otherwise look it up when it's required. "
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"fib_table = {}\n",
"def fib(n):\n",
" if n == 0:\n",
" return 0\n",
" if n == 1:\n",
" return 1\n",
" elif n in fib_table:\n",
" return fib_table[n]\n",
" fib_n = fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)\n",
" fib_table[n] = fib_n\n",
" return fib_n"
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"assert fib(0) == 0\n",
"assert fib(1) == 1\n",
"assert fib(5) == 5\n",
"assert fib(10) == 55\n",
"assert fib(20) == 6765"
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"You can also get this down to $O(\\log n)$ time using matrix operations and/or other identities involving the Fibonacci numbers. (See [here]("
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"# Longest Palindromic Substring\n"
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"Given a string, find the longest substring which is a palindrome. For example, if the given string is `\"forgeeksskeegfor\"`, the output should be `\"geeksskeeg\"`.\n",
"## Solutions\n",
"### Simple approach\n",
"Examine all substrings of all possible lengths $O(n^3)$.\n",
"### More clever approach\n",
"Go through `for i in range(len(s))` to find the longest palindrome centered at `i` (and `[i, i + 1`]). Take the max of these. This is $O(n^2)$."
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"def longest_palindrome(s):\n",
" longest = \"\"\n",
" for i in range(len(s)):\n",
" j = 0 # get longest string centered on i\n",
" while 0 <= i - j and i + j < len(s) and s[i - j] == s[i + j]:\n",
" j += 1\n",
" j -= 1 # went one step too far\n",
" if 2 * j + 1 > len(longest):\n",
" longest = s[i - j: i + j + 1]\n",
" j = 0 # get longest string centered on (i, i + 1)\n",
" while 0 <= i - j and i + j + 1 < len(s) and s[i - j] == s[i + j + 1]:\n",
" j += 1\n",
" j -= 1 # went one step too far \n",
" if 2 * j + 2 > len(longest):\n",
" longest = s[i - j: i + j + 2]\n",
" return longest"
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"assert longest_palindrome(\"forgeeksskeegfor\") == \"geeksskeeg\"\n",
"assert longest_palindrome(\"madam\") == \"madam\"\n",
"assert longest_palindrome(\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\") == \"a\" # Takes the first palindrome of the longest length.\n",
"assert longest_palindrome(\"banana\") == \"anana\""
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"### Really clever approach\n",
"If you really want to impress someone, [this]( will find palindromes in $O(n)$ time."
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"# Letter Combinations of a Phone Number"
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"Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.\n",
"Input: Digit string \"23\"\n",
"Output: `[\"ad\", \"ae\", \"af\", \"bd\", \"be\", \"bf\", \"cd\", \"ce\", \"cf\"]`.\n",
"## Solution\n",
"Here's a recursive solution. You could improve performance with memoization, if this would be called many times."
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"def letterCombinations(digits):\n",
" # Mapping table for translating number to letters\n",
" num2letter = {\"2\":\"abc\", \"3\":\"def\", \"4\":\"ghi\", \"5\":\"jkl\",\"6\":\"mno\", \"7\":\"pqrs\", \"8\":\"tuv\", \"9\":\"wxyz\"}\n",
" \n",
" # The result for an empty string is an empty string.\n",
" if len(digits) == 0: \n",
" return [\"\"]\n",
" # We are only handling numbers from 2 to 9.\n",
" if not digits[0] in num2letter:\n",
" raise LookupError(\"Unacceptable input.\")\n",
" \n",
" # Terminate case for recursion\n",
" if len(digits) == 1: \n",
" return list(num2letter[digits])\n",
" \n",
" # The strings for the current digit.\n",
" temp = list(num2letter[digits[0]])\n",
" result = []\n",
" # Recursion case. Append the recursion result to each string for current digit.\n",
" for tail in letterCombinations(digits[1:]):\n",
" result.extend([i+tail for i in temp])\n",
" \n",
" return sorted(result) # \"Sorted\" called to make the output consistent with the above example and \n",
" # to make testing easier. "
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"assert letterCombinations(\"23\") == ['ad', 'ae', 'af', 'bd', 'be', 'bf', 'cd', 'ce', 'cf']\n",
"assert letterCombinations(\"238\") == ['adt','adu','adv','aet','aeu','aev','aft','afu','afv','bdt','bdu','bdv',\n",
" 'bet','beu','bev','bft','bfu','bfv','cdt','cdu','cdv','cet','ceu','cev',\n",
" 'cft','cfu','cfv']\n",
"assert letterCombinations(\"7\") == ['p', 'q', 'r', 's']"
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