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function isValuable()
if not turtle.detect() then return false end
for i=1,3 do
if then
print ("Same as "..i)
return false
tohash := []byte(
tohash = append(tohash, p.sharedsecret...)
tohash = append(tohash,
resp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("",, hash(tohash)))
func hash(data []byte) string {
h := sha1.New()
hashed := h.Sum(nil)
(gdb) x/10i 0x00100be2
=> 0x100be2 <install_gdt+28>: ljmp $0x8,$0x100be9
0x100be9 <install_gdt.reload_CS>: mov $0x10,%ax
0x100bed <install_gdt.reload_CS+4>: mov %eax,%ds
0x100bef <install_gdt.reload_CS+6>: mov %eax,%es
0x100bf1 <install_gdt.reload_CS+8>: mov %eax,%fs
0x100bf3 <install_gdt.reload_CS+10>: mov %eax,%gs
0x100bf5 <install_gdt.reload_CS+12>: mov %eax,%ss
0x100bf7 <install_gdt.reload_CS+14>: ret
0x100bf8 <idt_flush>: mov 0x4(%esp),%eax
#![feature(asm, macro_rules, default_type_params, phase)]
#![phase(syntax, link)]
extern crate core;
//use core;
mod video;
mailpile> new
http://localhost:33411 "GET /api/0/eventlog/?since=1405480989.881754&wait=20 HTTP/1.1" 200 1320
Elapsed: 0.159s (search: Found 95061 results in 0.159s)
Elapsed: 0.208s (ps: Listed events, threads, and locks)
Recent events:
53c5f07c.00002.754e load: Loaded metadata index
53c5f08e.00006.754e tag: Tagged 0 messages
53c5f092.00009.754e search: Found 95061 results in 0.159s
GET: /api/0/eventlog/ qs = {'since': ['1405613855.806938'], 'wait': ['20']} post = {}
Elapsed: 0.002s (output: Set output mode to: json)
POST: /auth/login/ qs = {'_path': ['/']} post = {'pass': ['mypassword']}
Elapsed: 0.000s (output: Set output mode to: html)
GET: / qs = {} post = {}
GET: /auth/login/ qs = {'_path': ['/']} post = {}
Elapsed: 0.001s (output: Set output mode to: html)
Elapsed: 0.001s (login: Please log in)
http://localhost:33411 "GET /auth/login/?_path=%2F HTTP/1.1" 200 8366
Elapsed: 3.524s (eventlog: Found 1 events)
$(document).ready(function() {
var inbox = _.findWhere(Mailpile.instance.tags, {slug: 'inbox'})
var badge =;
var favicon = new Favico({animation:'popFade'});
mailpile> rescan sources
CONNECTED <SharedImapConn(, started daemon 4550393856)>
noop(() {})
=> ('OK', ['NOOP completed.'])
select(Deleted Messages, False) = ('OK', ['959']) {'UIDVALIDITY': ['1390328209'], 'FLAGS': ['(\\Answered \\Flagged \\Deleted \\Seen \\Draft $NotJunk NonJunk Junk $Junk NotJunk JunkRecorded unknown-0 unknown-4 unknown-7 unknown-3? unknown-5 unknown-2?)'], 'EXISTS': ['959'], 'RECENT': ['0']}
noop(() {})
=> ('OK', ['NOOP completed.'])
noop(() {})
=> ('OK', ['NOOP completed.'])
noop(() {})
bg/log(50): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/rschulman/Mailpile/mailpile/mail_source/", line 499, in open
conn = self.timed(mkconn)
File "/Users/rschulman/Mailpile/mailpile/mail_source/", line 430, in timed
return RunTimed(self.timeout, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/rschulman/Mailpile/mailpile/", line 677, in RunTimed
RunTimedThread(func.__name__, work).run_timed(timeout)
File "/Users/rschulman/Mailpile/mailpile/", line 667, in run_timed
raise TimedOut('Timed out: %s' %
TimedOut: Timed out: mkconn