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rt2zz / index.js
Created September 2, 2013 03:38
requirebin sketch
// require something
var _ = require('lodash')
var news = _.merge({a: [1]},{a: [2]})
var news2 = _arrayMerge({a: [1]},{a: [2]})
function _arrayMerge(obj1, obj2){
return _.merge(obj1, obj2, function(a, b) {
return _.isArray(a) ? a.concat(b) : undefined;
// OPTION A - Current Setup
// Logic/Control in Action
Component.componentWillMount = function(){
Client.updateAccount = function(data){
apicall(data, function(data){
animation v transition v (?) genisis transition
genisis transition should be domful
animation should be statelful
thumb swipe is animation
genisis transitions are simpler abstraction, less control, meant purely for visual sugar
idiomatically transitions operate on different nodes than animations.
transition element takes in manifest triggered by parent using method..transition('type', cb)
rt2zz /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13

##Thoughts on flux, actions, and doing work in a Flux app

Reference for what I am considering to be "conventional"

###Many Files This the conventional scheme uses an action flow that goes from Component -> ActionCreator -> APIClient -> ServerActionCreator Problems

  • Implementing request/response API call requires edits on 5 files Constants, ActionCreator, APIClient, ServerActionCreator, Store
  • ServerActionCreator methods are almost always passthrough boilerplate
rt2zz / index.js
Created February 17, 2015 00:51
requirebin sketch
// require something
var im = require('immutable')
var a = im.List(['a', 'b'])
var b = im.List(['a', 'c'])
scale x by 2
[2 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1]
scale y by 2
[1 0 0 0
0 2 0 0
0 0 1 0
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I will divide the text into two colors for the sake of clarity. The gray text is taken directly from my caving journal. The italicized blue text is my comment as I reflect on the experience. I will do my best to convey the thoughts and feelings I had during the entire event. I will not use the actual names of the other individuals involved. I will include the entire relevant text of my journal. Only small parts of the journal will I skip. This will only occur when the entry has nothing to do with the experience in the cave, such as eating dinner after a trip, getting fuel or snacks, irrelevant details, etc. (My journal is fairly thorough) I will merely summarize what I am cutting out of the actual entry.
In an effort to present this experience in as accurate light as possible I will type my journal as I wrote it: sans grammar check. Please overlook my errors. My additional comments will help to clarify the things I wrote in my journal.
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I will divide the text into two colors for the sake of clarity. The gray text is taken directly from my caving journal. The italicized blue text is my comment as I reflect on the experience. I will do my best to convey the thoughts and feelings I had during the entire event. I will not use the actual names of the other individuals involved. I will include the entire relevant text of my journal. Only small parts of the journal will I skip. This will only occur when the entry has nothing to do with the experience in the cave, such as eating dinner after a trip, getting fuel or snacks, irrelevant details, etc. (My journal is fairly thorough) I will merely summarize what I am cutting out of the actual entry.
In an effort to present this experience in as accurate light as possible I will type my journal as I wrote it: sans grammar check. Please overlook my errors. My additional comments will help to clarify the things I wrote in my journal.
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January 27-28, 2001
B and I were both excited to get back into the cave and get to work. I figured with about 4 hours work we could be in and see what was on the other side. We had arranged to borrow a DeWalt cordless drill to bring with us. We also had masonry bits to drill with, sledge hammers (two) to break up the rock, bullpins to insert into the drill holes, and a few other tools that we ended up not using. Getting the tools down to the work site proved to be a challenge. One of us would climb down the rope and stop at a ledge or good resting place, then the other person would lower the tools. We kept repeating this routine until we got to the bottom of the cave. Then we had to drag the tools to the hole. It took about an hour to finally get to work.
B took the first turn at the hole. After an hour of exhausting work we could tell that we were not going to get through in one session. We kept trading off after we worked ourselves into a s
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On Caving
Before I continue with the next journal entry I thought it might be helpful to the reader to explain a little bit about caving and about the atmosphere in the cave. As I re-read and think about my description of the cave I notice that much of the language I use in my caving journal, and the descriptions, or lack thereof, assume that the reader has a knowledge of caving and what it is like inside a cave. In other words, I write my journals for ME! I will take this time to give a more detailed description of the cave. I will tell about what it was like while we worked on the cave. And I will summarize our feelings up to this point.
The cave was "discovered" several decades ago when construction in the area unearthed its entrance. From that time to the present it has been visited by mostly locals in the area and avid cavers in the region. Beer cans can be found intermittently in the cave, mostly in the upper half. When the cave was fir