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DataObjects::SQLError: Unknown column 'gse_gsm.gse_gse' in 'where clause' (code: 1054, sql state: 42S22, query: SELECT `gsm_list`.`gsm` FROM `gsm_list` INNER JOIN `gse_gsm` ON `gsm_list`.`gsm` = `gse_gsm`.`gsm` INNER JOIN `gse_list` ON `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = `gse_list`.`gse` WHERE `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = 1 GROUP BY `gsm_list`.`gsm` ORDER BY `gsm_list`.`gsm`, uri: mysql://rpt:rpt@bmir-db1.sunet/expr_geo)
~ (0.001788) SET sql_auto_is_null = 0
~ (0.002525) SELECT `gse` FROM `gse_list` ORDER BY `gse` LIMIT 1
~ Unknown column 'gse_gsm.gse_gse' in 'where clause' (code: 1054, sql state: 42S22, query: SELECT `gsm_list`.`gsm` FROM `gsm_list` INNER JOIN `gse_gsm` ON `gsm_list`.`gsm` = `gse_gsm`.`gsm` INNER JOIN `gse_list` ON `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = `gse_list`.`gse` WHERE `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = 1 GROUP BY `gsm_list`.`gsm` ORDER BY `gsm_list`.`gsm`, uri: mysql://rpt:rpt@bmir-db1.sunet/expr_geo)
DataObjects::SQLError: Unknown column 'gse_gsm.gse_gse' in 'where clause' (code: 1054, sql state: 42S22, query: SELECT `gsm_list`.`gsm` FROM `gsm_list` INNER JOIN `gse_gsm` ON `gsm_list`.`gsm` = `gse_gsm`.`gsm` INNER JOIN `gse_list` ON `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = `gse_list`.`gse` WHERE `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = 1 GROUP BY `gsm_list`.`gsm` ORDER BY `gsm_list`.`gsm`, uri: mysql://r
require "dm-core"
require "dm-timestamps"
# Note, a GSE etc could have two of the same field (i.e. Pubmed so check for that
# and make an array instead)
# child_key: set of fields identifying child model
# parent_key: set of fields identifying parent model
require "dm-core"
require "dm-timestamps"
# Note, a GSE etc could have two of the same field (i.e. Pubmed so check for that
# and make an array instead)
# child_key: set of fields identifying child model
# parent_key: set of fields identifying parent model
require "dm-core"
require "dm-timestamps"
# Note, a GSE etc could have two of the same field (i.e. Pubmed so check for that
# and make an array instead)
# child_key: set of fields identifying child model
# parent_key: set of fields identifying parent model
~ Unknown column 'gse_gsm.gse_gse' in 'where clause' (code: 1054, sql state: 42S22, query: SELECT `gsm_list`.`gsm` FROM `gsm_list` INNER JOIN `gse_gsm` ON `gsm_list`.`gsm` = `gse_gsm`.`gsm` INNER JOIN `gse_list` ON `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = `gse_list`.`gse` WHERE `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = 1 GROUP BY `gsm_list`.`gsm` ORDER BY `gsm_list`.`gsm`, uri: mysql://rpt:rpt@bmir-db1.sunet/expr_geo)
DataObjects::SQLError: Unknown column 'gse_gsm.gse_gse' in 'where clause' (code: 1054, sql state: 42S22, query: SELECT `gsm_list`.`gsm` FROM `gsm_list` INNER JOIN `gse_gsm` ON `gsm_list`.`gsm` = `gse_gsm`.`gsm` INNER JOIN `gse_list` ON `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = `gse_list`.`gse` WHERE `gse_gsm`.`gse_gse` = 1 GROUP BY `gsm_list`.`gsm` ORDER BY `gsm_list`.`gsm`, uri: mysql://rpt:rpt@bmir-db1.sunet/expr_geo)
require "dm-core"
require "dm-timestamps"
module GORM
class GEO
def self.inherited(subclass)
subclass.class_eval do
include DataMapper::Resource
def self.default_repository_name; :expr_geo; end
class GEO
def self.inherited(subclass)
subclass.class_eval do
include DataMapper::Resource
def self.default_repository_name; :expr_geo; end
class GDS < GEO
require "dm-core"
require "dm-timestamps"
# Note, a GSE etc could have two of the same field (i.e. Pubmed so check for that
# and make an array instead)
# child_key: set of fields identifying child model
# parent_key: set of fields identifying parent model
require "dm-core"
require "dm-timestamps"
# Note, a GSE etc could have two of the same field (i.e. Pubmed so check for that
# and make an array instead)
# child_key: set of fields identifying child model
# parent_key: set of fields identifying parent model