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rtomayko /
Last active October 1, 2024 13:07
Simple shell command language test library.
# Usage: .
# Simple shell command language test library.
# Tests must follow the basic form:
# begin_test "the thing"
# (
# set -e
# echo "hello"
rtomayko / Tests Is Wrong
Created January 28, 2009 20:50
Why "require 'rubygems'" In Your Library/App/Tests Is Wrong
In response to all the responses to:
You should never do this in a source file included with your library,
app, or tests:
require 'rubygems'
The system I use to manage my $LOAD_PATH is not your library/app/tests
# Usage: git-thanks <since>..<until>
# All commits on master, ever:
# git-thanks master
# All commits on master since the 0.9.0 tag:
# git-thanks 0.9.0..master
git log "$1" |
rtomayko /
Created June 7, 2017 19:43
10x SSH connection speedup w/ persistent control masters

SSH Persistent Control Master Config

Add to ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
  # Enable persistent connection multiplexing
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/-%r@%h:%p
 ControlPersist 600
rtomayko / optparse-template.rb
Last active June 3, 2023 03:16
Ruby optparse template
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#/ Usage: <progname> [options]...
#/ How does this script make my life easier?
# ** Tip: use #/ lines to define the --help usage message.
$stderr.sync = true
require 'optparse'
# default options
flag = false
option = "default value"
rtomayko / gist:942910
Created April 26, 2011 19:21 — forked from schacon/gist:942899
delete all remote branches that have already been merged into master
$ git branch -r --merged |
grep origin |
grep -v -e '>' -e master |
xargs -L1 |
awk '{split($0,a,"/"); print a[2]}' |
xargs git push origin --delete
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Strip all trailing whitespace in file
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! StripWhitespace ()
exec ':%s/ \+$//gc'
map ,s :call StripWhitespace ()<CR>
rtomayko / gist:2601550
Created May 5, 2012 10:58
Open beautiful manual pages w/ git help -w
# The new site includes man pages designed for pleasant viewing in a web browser:
# The commands below can be used to configure git to open these pages when
# using `git help -w <command>' from the command line. Just enter the config
# commands in your shell to modify your ~/.gitconfig file.
# Create a new browser command and configure help -w to use it.
git config --global browser.gitscm.cmd "/bin/sh -c 'open\$(basename \$1 .html)' --"
rtomayko / gem-apply
Created February 13, 2015 04:10
Apply a patch to a bundle installed gem (not for the faint of heart)
#/ Usage: gem-apply <gem> <patchfile
#/ Apply a patch to a locally installed gem.
#/ Example:
#/ % curl | gem-apply jekyll
#/ patching file lib/jekyll/commands/serve.rb
#/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 39 (offset -1 lines).
#/ Hunk #2 succeeded at 125 (offset -6 lines).
#/ patching file lib/jekyll/commands/serve.rb
def defer(&block)
def block.each ; yield call ; end
app =
lambda do |env|
status = 200
headers = { 'Last-Modified' => exec_sql('SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM foos').httpdate }