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elithrar /
Last active May 3, 2021 15:38
WAL-E + Postgres 9.x (single server + DB) Setup and Recovery

A quick "how to" on what you need to do to both setup AND recover a single-server PostgreSQL database using WAL-E

  • WAL-E:
  • Assuming Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ("Precise")
  • We'll be using S3. Make sure you have an IAM in a group with GetObject, ListBucket and PutObject on the bucket you want to use (and that it's not public).


  1. These packages:
iainconnor / Android Studio .gitignore
Created January 24, 2014 20:20
A .gitignore for use in Android Studio
# Built application files
# Crashlytics configuations
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
# Gradle generated files
tanraya / gist:7438337
Created November 12, 2013 20:44
Carrierwave auto orient image explained
module CarrierWave
module MiniMagick
# Rotates the image based on the EXIF Orientation
# According to
def auto_orient
manipulate! do |image|
case image['EXIF:Orientation'].to_i
when 2
when 3
maxim /
Last active April 13, 2023 13:28
How to use rails load paths, app, and lib directories.

In Rails 3

NOTE: This post now lives (and kept up to date) on my blog:

If you add a dir directly under app/

Do nothing. All files in this dir are eager loaded in production and lazy loaded in development by default.

If you add a dir under app/something/

require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
EMAIL = ''
SCHEDULE_RANGE = { :start_time => '19:00', :end_time => '20:30' }
create table user_ratings (
id serial primary key,
user_id integer not null,
rating integer not null check (rating >= 0 and rating <= 5),
ratable_id integer not null
create function random_int(max integer) returns integer as $$
leucos /
Last active December 11, 2015 10:28
Ruby playbook example

Deploying Ruby with Ansible

Define these variables somewhere and let it go :

  • ruby_current: the ruby version you want to deploy (e.g. "1.9.3-p374")
  • ruby_user: Under which account we want ruby to be installed (e.g. "myappuser"; "ruby" in this playbook)

Note : this playbook only works with '-i' in the sudo line since it requires the target user environment to be fully loaded

adelevie / custom_cell.rb
Created November 17, 2012 18:26
Programmatically customize UITableViewCells in RubyMotion
# code inspired from
class CustomCell < UITableViewCell
attr_accessor :primaryLabel
attr_accessor :secondaryLabel
def createLabels
@primaryLabel = UILabel.alloc.init
ruckus / AppController.php
Created October 25, 2012 04:51
CakePHP Request logging ala Rails
class AppController extends Controller {
function beforeFilter() {
Log some basic basic details of the HTTP Request:
Started GET "/users/lost" for at 2012-10-24 19:18:25 -0700
nhance / method_logger.rb
Created September 6, 2012 12:58
Rails compatible method logging. Use this to log all calls to instance methods of a class to the log.