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Last active March 14, 2016 21:53
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"source": "2016-02-08 18:00:24 "
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"import datetime;": "Mon Mar 14 16:53:04 2016"
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"source": "**last updated**: &nbsp;&nbsp; {{import datetime;}} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (req. [nbextensions](/nbextensions) python-markdown)<br>\n**author**:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n"
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"source": "**Desc**: Populates **\\_\\_init\\_\\** based on *.py files in module directory\n\n```python\n\n#!/usr/bin/env python\nfrom . import script1\nfrom . import script2\nfrom . import scriptn\n\n```\n\n**Usage**:\n\n > lazy_make_init(path, [\"__author__ = 'your name'\"])"
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"source": "#!/usr/bin/env python\nimport os.path\ndef lazy_make_init(path, verbose=True, **kwargs):\n \"\"\" desc: adds import statements to all *.py files in path/to/module\n args: path (req): path/to/module\n header (opt.): for adding docstrings. \n example: ['__author__ = bob']\"\"\"\n\n # get import statements based on *.py\n modules = ['from . import '+ os.path.splitext(file)[0] \n for file in os.listdir(path) \n if '.py' in file and file != '']\n\n # write to file \n file = os.path.join(path,'')\n with open(file, 'w') as fp:\n # shebang & user vanity and docstrings\n fp.writelines('#!/usr/bin/env python\\n') #shebang\n [fp.writelines(line+'\\n') for line in kwargs['header']] if 'header' in kwargs else None\n # write import script statements\n [fp.writelines(line+'\\n') for line in modules]\n # read file\n if verbose:\n print('\\nwrote to file:\\n{}...\\n'.format(file))\n with open(file,'r') as f:\n print(",
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"source": "**Background**:\n\n- modules are folders\n- scripts are\n- definitions are functions in\n\nIf **module/\\_\\_init\\_\\** is **blank**, then verbosely, we need\n\n> from module import script <br>\n> script.definition(args)\n\nIf **module/\\_\\_init\\_\\** includes **import script**, then we can chain\n\n> import module <br>\n> module.script.function(args)\n\nThis is useful when there are multiple scripts in a package. \n\n**Motivation**\n\n- \\_\\_init\\_\\ must be modified each time a script is added.\n- lazy\\_make\\ basically looks for all \\*.py files and adds import statements in \\_\\_init\\_\\"
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