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Changing the world, one commit at a time

Aravind Balaji rvndbalaji

Changing the world, one commit at a time
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rvndbalaji / mat_rot.c
Last active July 22, 2017 03:54
Matrix Layer Rotation - HackerRank Coding Challenge |
You are given a 2D matrix, a, of dimension MxN and a positive integer R. You have to rotate the matrix R times and print the resultant matrix. Rotation should be in anti-clockwise direction.
Rotation of a 4x5 matrix is represented by the following figure. Note that in one rotation, you have to shift elements by one step only (refer sample tests for more clarity).
It is guaranteed that the minimum of M and N will be even.
First line contains three space separated integers, M, N and R, where M is the number of rows, N is number of columns in matrix, and R is the number of times the matrix has to be rotated.
Then M lines follow, where each line contains N space separated positive integers. These M lines represent the matrix.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main()
int a0;
rvndbalaji / IndianMap.c
Created November 6, 2017 14:58
A C Program that produces the Map of India as output
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 10, b = 0, c = 10;
char* str = "TFy!QJu ROo TNn(ROo)SLq SLq ULo+UHs UJq "
/* package codechef; // don't place package name! */
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class Codechef
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
roomtrain = read.table('datatraining.txt',header = TRUE,sep = ',',stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
roomtest1= read.table('datatest.txt',header = TRUE,sep = ',',stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
roomtest2= read.table('datatest2.txt',header = TRUE,sep = ',',stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Combine all three
room = rbind(roomtrain,roomtest1,roomtest2)
#Remove date and convert occupancy to factor
room = room[-1]
#Feature Scaling & Mean Normalization
#This function is EXACTLY equivalent to the scale() function in R
//Remember to exclude the last column of the data, we should not normalize what we predict.
room_n = scale(room[1:5])
//Or all this function
normalize = function(x)
return ((x - mean(x))/sd(x))
#Install the package, if you havn't already done so.
#Randomply sample the data into two parts with replacement and probability
ind = sample(2,nrow(room_n),replace = TRUE,prob = c(0.8,0.2))
train = room_n[ind==1,]
test = room_n[ind==2,]
X = as.matrix(train[,-6])
model = glm(Occupancy~.,train,family= binomial(link = "logit")
pred = predict(model,test[,-6])
#All values with probability less than 0.7 are considered occupied.
pred[pred>=0.7] = 1
pred[pred<0.7] = 0
pred = factor(pred)
#Calculate R-sqaured value
sigmoid = function(z)
return(1/(1 + exp(-z)))
cost = function(T)
h = sigmoid(X%*%T)
m = nrow(X)
J = (1/m) * sum((-Y*log(h)) - (1-Y)*log(1-h))
#Install the pakages if you haven't already done so
nnet = neuralnet(Occupancy ~ Temperature + Humidity + Light + CO2 + HumidityRatio,data=train,linear.output = FALSE,hidden = c(3,2))
#Predicted values
pred = compute(nnet,test[,-6])
pred = pred$net.result
#From the graph, for all predictions greater than 0.7 1 else 0