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rvr / safary-user-agents-ios-5
Created March 22, 2012 15:07
safari user agents plist ios 5 block
<string>Safari iOS</string>
<string>Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3</string>
rvr / leave room
Created May 25, 2012 18:19
A quote about leaving room for the unexpected
When you make plans such as a work plan, a job description, a budget, or even just planning your days off, leave room available for things you can't anticipate. Resist the temptation to pack plans too full. Governments grow, in part, because when legislators see what looks like latent capacity -- people sitting around -- they rush to fill the void with additional responsibilities. Then when "stuff comes up" there is inadequate capacity so new spending is needed to build more capacity. Sometimes sitting around and being available is exactly what we want; think firefighters.
Plan to be available for things unplanned. Don't hold too tightly to your “plans”. Be available to the people and things that are truly most important.
~Craig Freshley
rvr / 2x-mixin.scss
Created October 11, 2012 18:25
Hi res image mixin
div {
@include image-2x("logo.png", "logo2x.png");
@mixin image-2x($image1, $image2) {
background-image: url($image);
@media (…) {
background-image: url($image2);
background-size: image-width($image1) image-height($image1);
rvr / gist:4330041
Created December 18, 2012 17:32
Passages from the Baha'i writings that address the death of children, loss, and crisis.
Question.—What is the condition of children who die before attaining the age of discretion or before the appointed time of birth?
Answer.—These infants are under the shadow of the favor of God; and as they have not committed any sin and are not soiled with the impurities of the world of nature, they are the centers of the manifestation of bounty, and the Eye of Compassion will be turned upon them.
(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p. 278-79)
O thou beloved maidservant of God, although the loss of a son is indeed heart-breaking and beyond the limits of human endurance, yet one who knoweth and understandeth is assured that the son hath not been lost but, rather, hath stepped from this world into another, and she will find him in the divine realm. That reunion shall be for eternity, while in this world separation is inevitable and bringeth with it a burning grief.
Praise be unto God that thou hast faith, art turning thy face toward the everlasting Kingdom and believest in the existence of a heaven