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rwblair / neurovault_aws.txt
Last active December 11, 2015 23:06
Reasoning for NeuroVault AWS branch current configuration.
The current version of docker in tha Amazon Linux repositiories is 1.7.1. This version has a limit of 10gb for images unless dm.basesize
is configured on docker startup. In the interest of getting the site back online as quick as possible a number of workarounds of this
limit can be seen in docker-compose.yml and fs_docker/Dockerfile.
The wget and untar in fs_docker/Dockerfile would cause the image to run out of space on being built. To remedy this I pre downloaded the
freesurfer code and had it added to the image directly. To further reduce the space impact of the freesurfer install the following
directories were removed from freesurfer/subjects:
bert cvs_avg35 cvs_avg35_inMNI152 lh.EC_average rh.EC_average V1_average
There was an issue with transformations in pycortex taking up large amounts of space. A copy of the pycortex directory was made and moved
1: Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme. (code: 38)
Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme.
Evidence: Subject: sub-13; Missing file: /ses-1/fmap/sub-13_ses-1_run-1_magnitude2.nii.gz
Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme.
Evidence: Subject: sub-19; Missing file: /ses-1/func/sub-19_ses-1_task-rest_acq-fullbrain_run-2_physio.tsv.gz
Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme.
Evidence: Subject: sub-1
rwblair / gist:1e242fff10e4dfbdad64
Created March 14, 2016 17:55
7t_trt ignoring header values that differ by less than 1
1: Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme. (code: 38)
Evidence: Subject: sub-13; Missing file: /ses-1/fmap/sub-13_ses-1_run-1_magnitude2.nii.gz
Evidence: Subject: sub-19; Missing file: /ses-1/func/sub-19_ses-1_task-rest_acq-fullbrain_run-2_physio.tsv.gz
Evidence: Subject: sub-19; Missing file: /ses-1/func/sub-19_ses-1_task-rest_acq-prefrontal_physio.tsv.gz
2: Some nifti files have non-normative header field values. (code: 39)
~/projects/bids-validator $ bin/bids-validator ~/Downloads/7t_trt
1: Not all sessions contain the same corresponding files. Each session should contain the same number of files with the same naming scheme. (code: 38)
Evidence: Subject: sub-13; Missing file: /ses-1/fmap/sub-13_ses-1_run-1_magnitude2.nii.gz
Evidence: Subject: sub-19; Missing file: /ses-1/func/sub-19_ses-1_task-rest_acq-fullbrain_run-2_physio.tsv.gz
Evidence: Subject: sub-19; Missing file: /ses-1/func/sub-19_ses-1_task-rest_acq-prefrontal_physio.tsv.gz
2: Some nifti files have non-normative header field values. (code: 39)
~/projects/nipype/nipype/interfaces/ants $ pip freeze
~/projects/nipype $ make check-before-commit
Checking specs and autogenerating spec tests
python tools/
161209-14:23:38,529 interface WARNING:
VTK was not found
161209-14:23:38,529 interface WARNING:
tvtk wasn't found
FILMGLS has nonautotest
# Sphinx version: 1.4.6
# Python version: 3.5.2 (CPython)
# Docutils version: 0.12 release
# Jinja2 version: 2.8
# Last messages:
# Loaded extensions:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rwblair/.anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/Sphinx-1.4.6-py3.5.egg/sphinx/", line 243, in main
opts.warningiserror, opts.tags, opts.verbosity,
~/projects/nipype $ python
Python 3.5.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 2 2016, 17:53:06)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import future
>>> future.__version__
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
graph = Graph("")
# list all concepts
def list_concepts():
concepts = graph.cypher.execute("MATCH (c:concept) RETURN c")
return concepts
concepts = list_concepts()
= The Cognitive Atlas
:neo4j-version: 2.0.0
:author: Poldracklab
:twitter: @vsoch
:tags: cognitive:concepts:psychology:neuroscience
View task: adaptive n-back task